I hereby employ you as my exclusive talent agency for a period of ___ years (not to exceed 7 years) from date hereof to negotiate
contracts for the rendition of my professional services as an artist, or otherwise, in the fields of motion pictures, legitimate stage,
radio broadcasting, television and other fields of entertainment.
I hereby agree that you may advise, counsel or direct me in the development and/or advancement of my professional career.
As compensation for your said services agreed to be rendered hereunder, I hereby agree to pay you a sum equal to
_________________________ percent (___%); not to exceed maximum rate shown on fee schedule of all monies or things of
value as and when received by me directly or indirectly, as compensation for my professional services rendered or agreed to be
rendered during the term hereof under contracts, or any extensions, renewals, modifications, or substitutions thereof, entered into
or negotiated during the term hereof and to pay the same to you thereafter for so long as you remain licensed. It is expressly
understood that to be entitled to continue to receive the payment compensation on the aforementioned contracts, after the
termination of this agreement, you shall remain obligated to serve me and perform obligations with respect to said employment
contracts or to extensions or renewals of said contracts or to any employment requiring my services on which such compensation
is based.
I hereby agree that you may render your services to others during the term hereof.
In the event that I do not obtain a bona-fide offer of employment from a responsible employer during a period of time in excess of
four (4) consecutive months, during which said time I shall be ready, able, willing, and available to accept employment, either party
hereto shall have the right to terminate this contract by notice in writing to that effect sent to the other by registered or certified mail.
Controversies arising between us under the provisions of the California Labor Code relating to talent agencies and under the rules
and regulations for the enforcement thereof shall be referred to the Labor Commissioner of the State of California as provided in
Section 1700.44 of the California Labor Code.
In the event that you shall collect from me a fee or expenses for obtaining employment for me, and shall fail to procure such
employment, or shall fail to be paid for such employment, you shall, upon demand therefore, repay to me the fee and expenses so
collected. Unless repayment thereof is made within forty-eight (48) hours after demand therefore, you shall pay to me an additional
sum equal to the amount of the fee as provided in Section 1700.40 of the California Labor Code.
Subject to my availability, you hereby agree to use all reasonable efforts to procure employment for me in the field or fields of
endeavor specified in the contract in which you represent me.
This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between us. Statements, promises, or inducements made by any party hereto
that are not contained herein shall not be binding or valid, and this contract may not be enlarged, modified, or altered, except in
writing signed by both the parties hereto; and provided further, any substantial changes in this contract must be approved by the
Labor Commissioner.
10. You hereby agree to deliver to me an executed copy of this contract.
Agreed to and Accepted by:
Talent Agency
Name of Artist
Street address
This form of contract has been approved by the State Labor Commissioner on the ____ day of _____________________, 20__
DLSE 315B (Rev. 9/10)