Volcanic Rocks
Activity 3
A laboratory investigation
Your mission is to describe 4 unlabelled volcanic rocks and identify
the processes that formed them.
Materials you need
✓ 1 volanic rock set [consists of at least one piece of obsidian,
conglomerate, tuff, and basalt]
✓ 4 rock observation sheets
✓ 1 volcanic rock reference chart
✓ 1 volcano chart [from Activity 1]
✓ 1 set of research notes [from Activity 2]
Complete an observation sheet for each rock [be as descriptive as
Identify the volcanic processes that formed each rock, using informa-
tion from your volcano chart [Activity 1] and your notes from the
class research projects [Activity 2].
Complete the rock identifi cation chart
Complete column 5 [rocks] in the volcano chart from Activity 1.
A Sense of place · Earth and Environmental Science in the Community