Autumn Scene Literature Worksheet Page 4


Autum Scene
Autum Scene
Student Page
Name _____________________________________________ Date ____________
You are outside on a beautiful autumn day. You look around and take a deep
breath. Describe the autumn day using all your senses.
Writer’s Technique
Describing a setting.
Artful Connection
Create an autumn tree for the classroom
Get Ready to Write!
This activity asks you to use all your senses.
Think about what autumn
looks like • feels like • tastes like • smells like • sounds like
On another piece of paper,
brainstorm your ideas, trying for at least two
details for each sense. Then choose at least one detail for each sense, and write
about it in a complete sentence. The sentence starters below can help you get going.
As I looked around, I noticed . . .
I could feel . . .
I could see . . .
When I ran my hand along it, it . . .
Glancing around me, I saw . . .
As I touched it, I realized . . .
I gazed at . . .
. . . felt like
Standing quietly, I noticed . . .
I could taste . . .
As I listened . . .
My mouth watered as I thought . . .
In the distance, I could hear . . .
Remembering the taste of . . .
I strained to hear . . .
I licked my lips just thinking about . . .
I took a deep breath and . . .
I noticed the smell of . . .
In the far-off distance, I could smell . . .


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