Flex Your Biceps - Student Lab Inquiry Sheet Page 3


Part 3: Let’s Get Thinking!
1. Explain the relationship between the muscles and bones with regard to movement of
the joint.
2. Which tissues need the most energy to carry out their function and how do they get it?
3. How do messages about movement get to the tissues in the chicken’s wing?
4. What role do you think the blood vessels play in relationship to the bone, muscles, and
skin of the chicken wing?
5. How is a bird wing different from a human arm? How is it similar?
6. Describe what happens in your arm each time you raise and lower it (be sure to
mention the movement of bones, muscles, and tendons):
Part 4:
Extension: Explain why after multiple repetitions of the bicep curl your arm becomes
tired and even sore. Explain this in terms of cellular respiration and fermentation.


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