Child Care Power Of Attorney Form - Hamilton County Juvenile Court Page 3


Hamilton County Juvenile Court
In Re:_________________________________
Case Number:_________________
Power Of Attorney
I, the undersigned, residing at
, in the county of
, state of
, hereby appoint the child's grandparent(s),
, residing at
, in the county of
, in the state of Ohio, with whom the
child of whom I am the parent, guardian, or custodian is residing, my attorney in fact to exercise any and all of
my rights and responsibilities regarding the care, physical custody, and control of the child,
, born
, having social security number (optional)
, except my authority to consent to marriage or adoption of the child
, and to
perform all acts necessary in the execution of the rights and responsibilities hereby granted, as fully as I might
do if personally present. The rights I am transferring under this power of attorney include the ability to enroll
the child in school, to obtain from the school district educational and behavioral information about the child, to
consent to all school-related matters regarding the child, and to consent to medical, psychological, or dental
treatment for the child. This transfer does not affect my rights in any future proceedings concerning the custody
of the child or the allocation of the parental rights and responsibilities for the care of the child and does not give
the attorney in fact legal custody of the child. This transfer does not terminate my right to have regular contact
with the child.
I hereby certify that I am transferring the rights and responsibilities designated in this power of attorney because
one of the following circumstances exists:
(1) I am: (a) Seriously ill, incarcerated or about to be incarcerated, (b) Temporarily unable to provide financial
support or parental guidance to the child, (c) Temporarily unable to provide adequate care and supervision of
the child because of my physical or mental condition, (d) Homeless or without a residence because the current
residence is destroyed or otherwise uninhabitable, or (e) In or about to enter a residential treatment program for
substance abuse;
(2) I am a parent of the child, the child's other parent is deceased, and I have authority to execute the power of
attorney; or
(3) I have a well-founded belief that the power of attorney is in the child's best interest.
I hereby certify that I am not transferring my rights and responsibilities regarding the child for the purpose of
enrolling the child in a school or school district so that the child may participate in the academic or
interscholastic athletic programs provided by that school or district.
I understand that this document does not authorize a child support enforcement agency to redirect child support
payments to the grandparent designated as attorney in fact. I further understand that to have an existing child
support order modified or a new child support order issued administrative or judicial proceedings must be
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