Witness Name (printed): ________________________________________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________________ Date: ________________________
NOTE: At least one adult witness OR a Notary Public must witness the signing of this document and then
sign it. The witness or Notary Public CANNOT be anyone who is: (a) under the age of 18; (b) related to
you by blood, adoption, or marriage; (c) entitled to any part of your estate; (d) appointed as your
representative; or (e) involved in providing your health care at the time this form is signed.
A. Witness: I certify that I witnessed the signing of this document by the Principal. The person who
signed this Durable Health Care Power of Attorney appeared to be of sound mind and under no
pressure to make specific choices or sign the document. I understand the requirements of being a
witness and I confirm the following:
I am not currently designated to make medical decisions for this person.
I am not directly involved in administering health care to this person.
I am not entitled to any portion of this person's estate upon his or her death under a will or by
operation of law.
I am not related to this person by blood, marriage or adoption.
Witness Name (printed): ________________________________________________________________
Signature: ________________________________________________ Date: ______________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________
Notary Public (NOTE: If a witness signs your form, you DO NOT need a notary to sign):
) ss
COUNTY OF ______________________)
The undersigned, being a Notary Public certified in Arizona, declares that the person making this
Durable Health Care Power of Attorney has dated and signed or marked it in my presence and
appears to me to be of sound mind and free from duress. I further declare I am not related to the
person signing above by blood, marriage or adoption, or a person designated to make medical
decisions on his/her behalf. I am not directly involved in providing health care to the person
signing. I am not entitled to any part of his/her estate under a will now existing or by operation of
law. In the event the person acknowledging this Durable Health Care Power of Attorney is
physically unable to sign or mark this document, I verify that he/she directly indicated to me that
this Durable Health Care Power of Attorney expresses his/her wishes and that he/she intends to
adopt the Durable Health Care Power of Attorney at this time.
WITNESS MY HAND AND SEAL this _____ day of _________________, 20_____.
Notary Public ____________________________________ My Commission Expires: _______________
America Living Will Registry, LLC, 2814 Beach Boulevard South, St. Petersburg, FL 33707
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