Employee Suggestion Program - Bright Idea Form


Murphy Medical Center
Bright Idea
Employee Suggestion Program
Check your idea category:
_____Service ____People ____Quality ____Finance ____Growth
Please complete this application in full (attach additional pages as needed).
Describe the problem or issue you want to address?
What is your suggestion for a solution to this problem or issue?
How would implementing your suggestion solve the situation you have described?
What savings do you think could be achieved if your “Bright Idea” is implemented?
Please provide all the contact information requested below:
Name:______________________________ Department:_______________________________
Shift__________________ Extension_____________ Date Submitted_____________________
Do not write below this line
Evaluator______________________________ Date Assigned___________________________________
Recommendation: Approve Disapprove Date Completed_________________________________
(Please attach written comments)
Final Determination: Approved Disapproved Date Completed:_____________________________
Administrative Signature:___________________________________
Bright Idea!


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