Roomer/landlord Agreement Page 4


Open and honest communication, right from the start, is the key to a successful relationship.
When someone rents a room where they are living with the landlord, or a member of the landlord’s
immediate family, the arrangement is a license between the landlord (licensor) and the roomer (licensee).
Neither the Tenant Protection Act nor the Commercial Tenancies Act applies.
House Rules
Clearly identify what the house rules and agreements are and include these as part of the rental agreement.
Be sure to have this document signed by both parties. Once established, these house rules should not
change unless agreed upon, in writing, by both parties.
Overnight Guest Policy
Include the overnight guest policy in the house rules & agreements - are guests permitted, if so how many?
How often?
Laundry Privileges
Specify the laundry privileges - if necessary, specify a day and time each week when the roomer can do
laundry. How many loads allowed per week? Is there an additional charge?
If parking is provided, it may be helpful to designate a spot in the driveway for each vehicle. If vehicle
shuffling is necessary, will the roomer and landlord have access to each other’s car keys?
Smoking and Pets
Specify whether or not smoking is allowed. In which rooms? Outside only? Are pets allowed?
Name, Address and Phone Number of Your Student
The landlord should be provided with the roomer’s full name, home address and telephone number, as the
University cannot release personal information should they need to be contacted at a later date, or in the
event of an emergency. Does the roomer have a friend who is a local contact in case of emergency?
Entry of Their Room
Specify under what circumstances the landlord will enter the roomer’s room? In case of fire or other
emergency? If they go away for the weekend and leave a window open? Regular cleaning? Both parties
must be respectful of each other’s right to privacy.
Phone, Cable or Internet Connection
Specify what services are provided, if they are shared, any rules for sharing, how costs are shared.
Candles and Incense
Agree upon whether or not candles or incense may be burned, and if so when/where.
Recycling and Waste Collection
Roomers need to be informed about Guelph’s Wet-Dry+ system, and to sort their waste accordingly.
Landlord - Roomer Disputes
Although the Off-Campus Housing Office will not get directly involved in disputes, the staff can offer
information to both parties and can make referrals for you for mediation or other services/support.


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