Affidavit For Deed In Lieu Of Foreclosure Page 2

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That there are no suits or proceedings pending anywhere affecting said
premises and no claims or pending claims for accidents or other legal claims with respect
to said premises.
not executed as to any other property any bonds secured by
mortgage any extension agreements in or by which
assumed the payment of any
mortgage debt, and
not liable on any notes, endorsements, guarantees or other
contingent indebtedness.
That said premises are to be conveyed by
to the holder of the first
mortgage covering said premises and that by such conveyance it will not be rendered
The consideration to be paid for said conveyance is the sum of
Dollars and the assumption by the grantee of all liens and charges against said premises,
the reason for such conveyance being in my opinion that the encumbrances on said
premises plus the accrued taxes and interest exceed the value of the property, and that the
income there from is insufficient to meet the expense of carrying the same.
That the said conveyance by
is not given as a preference against
any other creditors and is an absolute conveyance and is not given as collateral security;
that there is no agreement, either written or oral, between
and the grantee, whereby
it may be understood or agreed that said premises are to be within any specified time or
on or before any specified date, or at any time re-conveyed by the said grantee to the
This affidavit is made to induce
to accept a deed to said premises
and to induce
to insure the title thereto, knowing that said grantee and said will
rely upon the truth of the foregoing statements.
Sworn to before me this
Notary Public


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