Lease/purchase Agreement Page 2


any, then interest, if any, and then to principal.
g. This property is sold subject to an easement over and across the existing road 32 feet
wide for the use of adjoining property owners, their heirs, assigns or designates, for
the purposes of ingress and egress and utilities and has a reciprocal easement for the
use of Buyers as necessary to insure access and utilities.
h. Buyer agrees to carry liability insurance on the property as he deems necessary, but in
any event to hold Seller harmless regarding any claims involving injuries to anyone
relating to the property.
i. It is agreed that upon payment in full of this agreement Buyer shall received a free and
clear warranty deed to the above described property.
7. This agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the parties, their successors,
assigns, and personal representatives.
8. Additional terms:
a. Buyer may not transfer, sell or assign this agreement or any interest in the property
without Seller’s written permission, which shall not be unreasonably withheld.
b. No mobile homes are allowed on this property.
c. Buyer may not build within 50 feet of the property lines or 100 feet of the road.
d. All trash must be kept in appropriate containers and no dumps, landfills or trash piles
are permitted except for brush piles.
e. Not more than three unlicensed vehicles (excluding off-road vehicles, boats and
trailers) shall be parked on the property for more than 30 days unless they are stored in a garage
or covered. Parking and use of RVs, to include travel trailers, is permitted at anytime.
f. No trees larger than four inches in diameter at chest height may be cut without Seller's
written permission, except for a building site and driveways and parking areas.
g. No commercial raising of dogs (i.e. not more than 5 dogs) is allowed on this property.
No Pit Bull dogs are allowed on this property.
h. If Buyer lives on the land Buyer must install a human waste disposal system of some
type, such as an outhouse, septic, composting toilet or other means of dealing with the waste in a
sanitary manner.
9. It is understood and agreed that Buyer is to have full use and possession of this property
during the period of the lease portion of the agreement the same as if he owned it with the right
to use said property as he sees fit.
10. All payments to be sent to Seller at the website at or by
mailing to PO Box 267, Willow Springs, MO 65793, or wherever directed by Seller in writing.
Signed May _____ 2014
Signed May _______ 2014
Tom Jones
Homestead Crossing Inc,
Ed Johnson, Manager


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