'Movie Poster' Project Sheet Page 2


(use additional paper if more space is needed)
1. choose a design poster and tell what geometric shapes are use? how can you use some of the same shapes? ____
2. why is the type in caps at times? _________________________________________________________________________
3. the poster you choose, is it flat or does it go back into space? in other words does the design look flat or have
dimension. ________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. Are the objects in the poster you chose to model have all similar size objects, or varied sizes. why did the designer
do that? __________________________________________________________________________________________________
5. which technique in the poster do you like the best and why? _________________________________________________
SELF-ASSESSMENT (answered from class lecture and notes, your research and project experience):
did you listen to the instructions? ___________________________________________________________________________
did you follow any advice given to you by the teacher(s)? _______________________________________________________
did you work to your full potential? __________________________________________________________________________
comment on a specific aspect of the project. Back up any view you might have with specific references. _____________
what do you think about this assignment and the quality of the work that you did on it? ____________________________
Adobe Photoshop
students will demonstrate warp text tool and spacing
students will understand good design fills the page with geometric shaped and objects of varied sizes.
students will be able to create a retro 1950 horror Movie poster
coMpEtENcy: sidE 2
studENt NAME, clAss pEriod & dAtE: __________________________________________________________________


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