bucket list
Date Started:
IN 2015
1. Run a Trail 50k
26. Sleep in a Hammock for a Week
2. Surf or Paddle With Dolphins
27. Jump Off a Cliff That is 20 ft or Taller
3. Visit 6 National Parks
28. Spend Over $50 at a Local Retailer
4. Ski in the Summer
29. Swim in a Central Texas Swimming Hole
5. Paddleboard in the Winter
30. Camp on the Beach With the Opposite Sex
6. Spend the Night Alone in the Woods
31. Cook Dinner Over a Campfire
7. Compete in a Climbing Comp
32. Get Caught in a Deluge While Backpacking
8. Have a Beer at Dornan's at Sunset
33. Put Your Cell Phone Away for a Week
9. Take a Plunge into an Icy Creek
34. See 5 or More Shooting Stars in a Night
10. Watch the Sun Rise and Set in One Day
35. Plant Something, Grow it, and then Eat it
11. Go on a Century Bike Ride
36. Dawn Patrol on the Slopes and in the Swells
12. Swim a Mile in the Ocean
37. Eat a Pound Burger After a 20 Mile Hike
13. See 5 Oregon Waterfalls in a Day
38. Road Trip Down California State Route 1
14. Eat a Maine Lobster
39. Actually Eat an Apple for a Day for a Month
15. Play Blackjack on a Mississippi Riverboat
40. Shower in a Waterfall
16. Sleep on a Crashpad
41. Complete Two 14'ers in a Day
17. Volunteer With a Trail Maintenance Crew
42. Have 5 or More Dogs in Your Car at Once
18. Hike a 50 mi. Section of the AT, PCT, or CDT
43. Hike to the Highest Point on the East Coast
19. Stay at an AT Shelter
44. Eat Only Fruits and Veggies For a Week
20. Cross 6 State Borders in One Day
45. Drink a 6 Pack and Then Run 6 Miles
21. Have Drinks in a Natural Hot Spring
46. Take a Nap in a Grassy Alpine Meadow
22. Take a Multi-Day Paddling Trip
47. Sled Down a Sand Dune
23. Rent a City Bike in Minneapolis
48. Thru-Hike the Tahoe Rim Trail
24. Urban Paddle Through Chicago
49. Catch a Wave During a Tropical Storm
25. Swim in Havasu Falls
50. Write a Review for RR
C L I M B I N G + H I K I N G + T R A I L R U N N I N G + B A C K P A C K I N G + P A D D L I N G + C Y C L I N G + M O U N T A I N B I K I N G + S K I I N G