Nursing Resignation Letter – Generator
__________ (Head of the Department’s name)
__________ (Hospital address)
______________ (Your name)
______________ (Your address)
Date __________ (date of writing letter)
Dear Mr. /Ms__________ (name of the concerned person),
I am writing this letter to inform you that I am submitting my resignation from the post of
staff nurse. I took this decision because……………….(give detailed reason for resignation).
Please consider this letter as initiation of the ………….. (write period)month notice period
required by your organization.
I had a rewarding experiences in ………………( name of organization you are about to
leave) the past ………….. years in this hospital. I learnt and grew professionally and
personally during this time. I am thankful to all my colleagues who helped me and supported
me all through.
You have been an influencing factor and I can never forget the encouragement you give to all
young professionals to excel in their field.
I request you to accept my resignation and relieve me at the earliest.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely,
___________ (Your name)