Dog Foster Application Template Page 3


Is anyone home during the day? Yes/No
If not, where will the dog be kept during the day?
If no one will be home during the day, about how many hours will the dog be left alone?
Where will the dog be kept during the day?
During the night?
Are you familiar with crate training? Yes/No
Do you have a crate available for use with your foster dog? Yes/No
What type of dog training experience do you have?
Are you aware that your foster dog may be an adult, with an unknown history, and no prior training?
Are you aware that your foster dog may chew, dig, bark, jump, or display other undesirable behaviors
while in your care? Yes/No
Are you willing to take your foster dog to the vet designated by ARF for routine vaccinations and any
other medical required? Yes/No
Are you willing to work with your foster dog in areas such as basic obedience and house training?
Have you had any experience in introducing new adult dogs into your household? Yes/No
Are you willing to supervise any children around your foster dog AT ALL TIMES? Yes/No
Please describe the type(s) of foster dogs you are willing to have in your home, i.e. seniors, puppies,
adults, male, female, special need dogs (those who may be deaf, blind, recuperating from surgery, or
with medical disorders such as epilepsy, low thyroid, etc.):
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