Instructions for TCR Fecal Coliform or E. coli Notice – Template NC-4
Template on Reverse
This template is intended for systems where consumers will not be able to boil water. See the suggestions below on how
you can modify this template for other situations. Since exceeding the fecal coliform or E. coli maximum contaminant level
requires a Tier 1 notification, you must provide public notice to persons served as soon as practical but no more than 24
hours from learning of the violation [40 CFR 141.202(b)]. During this time period you must also contact your state. You
must use one or more of the following methods to deliver the notice to consumers [40 CFR 141.202(c)]:
Posting in conspicuous locations
Hand or direct delivery
You may need to use additional methods if needed to reach all persons served.
If you modify the notice, you must still include all required PN elements from 40 CFR 141.205(a) and leave the mandatory
language unchanged (see below).
Mandatory Language
Mandatory language on health effects (from Appendix B to Subpart Q) must be included as written (with blanks filled in)
and is presented in this notice in italics with an asterisk on either end.
This template also includes mandatory language encouraging further distribution to persons who may not have received
the notice [40 CFR 141.205(d)] and is presented in this notice in italics and with an asterisk on either end. However, if you
post the notice such that all possible users have access to the notice, this language is not applicable and can be omitted.
Instructions to Consumers
You may need to modify the instructions in the public notice based on your system type. For instance, at a campground,
you might tell consumers to boil the water before drinking or using for food preparation.
Alternative Sources of Water
If you are selling or providing bottled water, your notice should say where it can be obtained. Remember that bottled water
can also be contaminated. If you are providing bottled water, make sure it meets US Food and Drug Administration and
state bottled water standards for bacteria and other contaminants.
Corrective Action
In your notice, describe corrective actions you are taking. Listed below are some steps commonly taken by water systems
with fecal coliform or E. coli violations. You can use one or more of the following statements, if appropriate, or develop
your own text:
We are chlorinating and flushing the water system.
We are increasing sampling for coliform bacteria to identify the source of contamination.
We are repairing the wellhead seal.
We are repairing, cleaning, and disinfecting the storage tank.
After Issuing the Notice
Make sure to send your state a copy of each type of notice and a certification that you have met all the public notification
requirements within ten days after issuing the notice [40 CFR 141.31(d)].
It is a good idea to inform your consumers when the violation has been resolved, especially if you have regular customers.
See Template NC-7 for a “problem corrected” notice template.