Literary Analysis Essay Outline Template Page 3


IV. Main point of third paragraph: _______________________________________
F. Quote or example to illustrate argument: ____________________
G. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrates a facet of your thesis:
H. Quotes or examples to illustrate argument: ____________________
I. Explanation of how quote/example demonstrate a facet of your thesis:
J. How does the previous paragraph relate to your thesis? __________________
V. Conclusion: Application to Society—what do we learn about human nature,
society, culture, history, or individuals from these texts? ____________________
This outline will be due at the time of your scheduled conference. Plan to be five
minutes early in case I am running ahead. My conference occurs
_________________________. Should I write this in my planner? I think so!
When is my paper due? _______________________ I should turn in my
brain________, my out_______, my rou_____ draft, and my fin____ draft. Should
I use a folder with pockets? YES, FOR THE LOVE OF ALIS!


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