(Engineer’s or Engineering Company’s Letterhead)
(Client Name)
(Client Firm Name)
(Client Address)
(Client Address)
(Project Name)
(Project Address)
San Antonio, Texas 782
Property Legal Description:
(Legal Description from Bexar Appraisal District Account, Property Survey, Deed, etc.)
City of San Antonio Building Permit A/P Number:
You constructed your building project referenced above using construction documents prepared by
(Structural Engineer).
Your building project includes the building structure that consists of
[piers, footings, floor slab and primary structural
resisting gravity and lateral loads required by the 2015 Edition of the International Building Code – Chapter 16
as detailed on our structural construction documents that were used to acquire a building permit from the City of San
Qualified individuals from this office visited the site to check the construction stated above for general conformance with
our construction documents. In my opinion, based on our experience, knowledge, information and belief, the stated
construction that we observed is in general conformance with our construction documents.
We performed a field observation according to generally accepted contractual guidelines as described in AIA Document C-
141. These services do not constitute compliance with Section 1704, “Special Inspections”, of the 2015 Edition of the
International Building Code.
As denoted by the engineering seal on the construction documents and on this letter, we believe that we have fulfilled our
obligations as an engineer under the Texas Engineering Practice Act pursuant to its requirements to protect the public
health, safety and welfare in the practice of engineering.
If you have any questions, please call.
Structural Engineer Signature
(Structural Engineer Typed Name)
Engineer’s P.E. Seal
Notes to help correctly prepare this form letter:
1) Fill in the specific date, client name & address, project information, permit number (A/P), and legal description where
2) Replace the term Structural Engineer with either the structural engineer’s name or the engineering company’s name.
3) Select the correct structural elements incorporated within the project. Delete the terms that do not apply.
4) Sign, seal and date before submitting to City of San Antonio Development Services Department.