Appendix D
School (or Youth Centre): ________________________________________________________________
A journey to ______________________________________________________________________ (place)
from __________________________________ (date)
to _______________________________ (date)
I wish my son/daughter ______________________________________________________ (name of child)
to be allowed to take part in the above-mentioned school (or youth centre) journey and, having read the
information sheet, agree to his/her taking part in any or all of the activities described.
I have ensured that my child understands that it is important for his/her safety and for the safety of the
group that any rules and any instructions given by the staff in charge are obeyed. I acknowledge the need
for my child to behave responsibly.
Please delete and complete the following as is appropriate:
My child has
no illness, allergy or physical disability
the following illness or physical disability
*Cross out which does not apply
which necessitates the following medical treatment _____________________________________________
I consent to any emergency medical treatment necessary during the course of the visit.
I consent/do not consent* to my son/daughter being given a mild painkiller (paracetamol) if considered
necessary by the party leader.
*Delete as applicable
Signed: _____________________________________________ (Parent/Guardian)
Tel No: HOME _____________________________
WORK _________________________
If not available at the above, please state an alternative contact
Name: __________________________________
Tel No: _________________________
(Three copies of this form are desirable – one for the parent to keep, one for the Duty Officer and one for
the Party Leader to take with him/her on the visit/activity/journey)
X:\Development Office\School Information\Website\Parent's Consent Form.doc