Police Officers and Firefighters Memorial Tuition Waiver
KRS 164.2841
Must be the child or nonremarried spouse of a person who was a Kentucky resident on becoming a law
enforcement officer, firefighter or volunteer firefighter and who was killed in the line of duty or died from a service
connected disability after June 30, 1989. Proof of relationship to the deceased and the circumstances of the death must be
provided in writing by official documentation in order to process this waiver. Full tuition.
KRS 164.2842
Must be the child (over age 17 and under age 23) or nonremarried spouse of a person who was a
Kentucky resident on becoming a law enforcement officer, firefighter or volunteer firefighter and who was permanently
and totally disabled in the line of duty. Must provide official proof of relationship and official documentation of the
qualifying disability in order for this waiver to be processed. Full tuition for up to 36 months.
Name: ______________________________________________ ID #: _____________________________
Address: _______________________________________________________________________________
City: ________________________________________ State: __________ Zip: ____________________
Date of Birth: ______________________ Semester plan to enroll at EKU: _________________________
Applicant’s relationship to the deceased / disabled: ____________________________________________
Name and address of employer of deceased / disabled at time of death / disability:
Phone number of employer: ___________________________________
I authorize the Scholarship Office to verify the above information in order to process this waiver. This waiver cannot be
used concurrently with any other tuition waivers, which includes but not limited to institutional awards, scholarships and
other state mandated, University funded waivers. I hereby state that all information provided is accurate and understand
the knowingly providing incorrect information will void this waiver and all future use of the waiver at Eastern Kentucky
Signature of applicant
Verified By: ___________________________________________ Date: ______________________________
_________ Birth Certificate _______ Social Security Card ________ Documentation of duty related
_________ Eligible
_________ Ineligible
Created on 5/24/05