First name
NHS Number:
Date of Birth:
Inpatient Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (‘MUST’)
Alternative measures and considerations:
Palliative Care:- If the patient has an advanced life limiting illness
Step 1: BMI.
change to the Macmillan Durham Cachexia Pack
See supporting notes for BMI chart
If height and/or weight cannot be measured:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
o Use recently documented or self-reported height and /or weight (if
BMI Score
Weight loss
Acute disease
this is realistic)
o If the subject is unable to report their height use ulna length to
effect score
estimate height (see supporting notes)
If patient is acutely ill and
BMI kg/m
Unplanned weight loss
Step 2: Recent unplanned weight loss
there has been or is
in past 3-6 months
>20 (>30 Obese) = 0
See supporting notes for weight loss score tables
likely to be no nutritional
18.5 -20
= 1
If recent weight loss cannot be calculated (e.g. no previous weight) use
intake for >5 days
= 0
= 2
self reported weight loss to assign a score (if realistic)
Score 2
= 1
Alternative Subjective Measures
= 2
If weight or BMI cannot be obtained see supporting notes for subjective
(calculated or personal
measures to assign a risk category.
Additional questions on admission:
Is patient taking any Oral
Step 4
Nutritional Supplements?
(NB: supplements are only
Overall risk of malnutrition
appropriate for patient with
‘MUST’ scores of 2 or above)
Add scores together to calculate overall risk of malnutrition
Score 0 = Low Risk Score 1 = Medium Risk Score 2+ = High Risk
Does patient have any co-
morbidities or symptoms of
Step 5
Social/cultural considerations
Management Guidelines
that may affect nutritional intake
Does patient have any eating,
chewing or swallowing difficulties
Low Risk
Medium Risk
High Risk
(if identified refer as appropriate)
Repeat screening
Go to Action
Go to Action
Additional nutritional concerns
Plan 1
Plan 2
Key to abbreviations:
BMI = Body Mass Index
The ‘Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool’ ‘MUST’ is reproduced here with the kind permission of BAPEN (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition)
For further information on ‘MUST’ see
Inpatient Units March 2013 for review March 2015