Hampton Roads Regional School Diabetes Medical Management Form Page 2


 In the event of a class party may eat the treat (include insulin coverage if
indicated in medical orders)
 student able to determine whether to eat the treat
 replace with parent supplied treat
 may NOT eat the treat
 other _____________________________
Child’s most common
 trembling
 tingling
 loss of coordination
signs of low blood
 dizziness
 moist skin/sweating
 slurred speech
 heart pounding
 hunger
 confusion
 weakness
 fatigue
 seizure
 pale skin
 headache
 unconsciousness
 change in mood or behavior
 other
How often does child
 once a day
 once a week
 once a month
experience low blood
Indicate date(s) of last mild episode(s)
glucose and how
Severe (i.e. unconscious, unable to swallow, seizure, or needed Glucagon)
Include date(s) of recent episode(s) ________________________________
Episode(s) of
Include date(s) of recent episode(s)
Field trips
Parent/guardian will accompany child during field trips?
 YES  NO
 Yes, if available
Serious illness, injuries
Date(s) and describe
or hospitalizations this
past year
List any other
medications currently
being taken
Allergies (include foods,
medications, etc):
Other concerns and
I give permission to the school nurse and designated school personnel*, who have been trained and are under the
supervision of the school nurse to perform and carry out the diabetes care tasks as outlined in my child’s Diabetes
Medical Management Plan as ordered by the physician.
I give permission to the designated school personnel, who
have been trained to perform the following diabetes care tasks for my child. (Code of Virginia§ 22.1-274).
Insulin Administration
 NO
Glucagon Administration  YES
 NO
I understand that I am to provide all supplies to the school necessary for the treatment of my child’s diabetes. I also
consent to the release of information contained in the Diabetes Medical Management Plan to staff members and other
adults who have custodial care of my child and who may need to know this information to maintain my child’s health
and safety. I also give permission to contact the above named physician and members of the diabetes management
team regarding my child’s diabetes should the need arise.
Parent/Guardian Name _____________________________________________
Date ________________
Parent/Guardian Signature_____________________________________________________________________
School Nurse’s Name ______________________________________________
Date ________________
School Nurse’s Signature _____________________________________________________________________
*Note: If at any time you would like to have the names of the designated school personnel that have been trained,
please contact the school nurse. Names and training records are kept in the school clinic.


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