Academic Recommendation Form Page 2


secTion a: school informaTion
Type of high school: ❑ Public
❑ Public magnet
❑ Independent
❑ Parochial
❑ Other
Last year, approximately _______% of the graduating class attended a four-year college, and _______% attended a two-year college.
What numerical interval is the letter grade equal to (e.g., A=90-100)? A=_______ B=_______ C=_______ D=_______
secTion B: counselor recommendaTion
How long have you known the applicant? ________________________________________________________________________
2. In what capacity? __________________________________________________________________________________________
This report is based on (check all that apply): ❑ Personal observation and contact with student
❑ Records
❑ Other counselors’ observations
❑ Teacher comments
❑ Other (please specify):
4. What is the student’s cumulative GPA? _______ 5.
GPA is ❑ weighted ❑ unweighted
6. Please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper and attach to this form.
What are the first words that come to mind to describe this student?
What are this student’s chief strengths and chief weaknesses or areas for growth?
In what area has the student most improved?
d. How would you describe this student’s class participation?
What can you tell us about this student’s character, as distinct from his/her academic achievements?
If the student is applying to the College Assistance Migrant Program, please answer the following questions:
Does the student have a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) on file? ❑ Yes ❑ No
If s/he has a COE, please provide the NGS #: ____________________________________________________________________
Please comment on the student’s academic achievement, academic growth potential, emotional maturity and reaction to setbacks.
With regard to these qualities, how does this student compare with his or her peers? If you are writing a separate recommendation
letter, please focus on these qualities. ___________________________________________________________________________
Please list areas in which the applicant may require support services (counseling or medical): ________________________________
I recommend: ❑ without reservation
❑ with some reservation
❑ I do not recommend
If the student is not applying to the College Assistance Migrant Program, please complete the section below:
In comparison with all students I’ve worked with in the _______ years of my career, this student is:
❑ Below average
❑ Average
❑ Above average
❑ In the top five percent
In comparison with all students for whom I’m writing college recommendations this year, this student is:
❑ Below average
❑ Average
❑ Above average
❑ In the top five percent
Please use this space for any additional comments you think are relevant to our decision: _____________________________________
Published Summer 2013 | 2


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