Form Nys-209 - Magnetic Media Transmittal For New Hire Reporting Page 2


Page 2 of 4 NYS-209 (3/06)
Labels cannot contain security encoded bytes.
All data must have a fixed length of 128 bytes. Print files and
record delimiters are not acceptable. Data must be recorded in
• IBM OS/VS standard header and trailer labels are
uppercase letters only.
A properly composed file contains the following records in
If IBM OS/VS cannot be produced:
a. Each segment (record) of a set’s labels (that is,
VOL1 + HDR1 + HDR2 = a set of header labels)
Record 1A Transmitter record
must contain 99 or fewer characters.
Record 1E Employer record
b. Header and trailer labels must be written in the
Record 1H New employee record
same density as data records.
Record 1T Total record
c. Header labels must precede data and be
Record 1F Final record
separated from the data by one tape mark.
Repeat Records 1E, 1H, and 1T for each employer in the file.
d. Trailer labels must follow the data and must be
All fields must be left-justified and filled with blanks.
separated from the data by one tapemark.
Hire date is an optional field. If included, it must be reported as
Two tapemarks must follow the trailer labels.
MMDDYY; otherwise, it must be filled with blanks.
Tapemarks — A tapemark is a one-character physical record.
Connect last name suffixes to the last name with a hyphen
As used on magnetic tape, it separates data from internal labels,
(example: Doe-Jr). Numbers are not permitted in the name. Use
one data file from another data file, and indicates the end-of-file.
a comma with no spaces to delimit last name from first name,
and a space to delimit middle initial from first name.
Never begin a magnetic tape with a tapemark, which would
signal end-of-file and cause processing to terminate.
4. Technical requirements for
Separate data from internal labels with one tapemark.
diskettes and CD-ROMs
Indicate end-of-file with two tapemarks, as follows:
The department can accept most CD-ROMs and 3½” diskettes
If using trailer labels, write end-of-file tapemarks
formatted in conventional operating systems. Diskettes and
directly after the trailer labels.
CD-ROMs must be formatted at their specified density. The
external labels on each diskette or CD-ROM must specify:
If using non-labeled tape, write end-of-file tapemarks
directly after the last block of data.
transmitter identification number and name
last day of period being reported
Character sets — The department will not accept any tapes
with a combination of EBCDIC and ASCII. EBCDIC is
operating system used to create the file
preferred, but ASCII is acceptable. A space-mark character has
formatted density
a hexadecimal value of 40 in EBCDIC and a hexadecimal value
of 20 in ACSII.
Each CD-ROM and 3½” diskette must contain the 11-character
entry NEWHIRE.RPT as the file name. Only one such file per
Logical record length — Each logical record must be a
diskette or CD-ROM is acceptable.
uniform length of 128 characters.
5. Technical requirements for magnetic
Blocking factor — The blocking factor must not exceed
50. The department prefers 50 logical records per block, but
blocking of 1 to 50 logical records is acceptable.
Acceptable media include 3480 and 3490 cartridges.
For magnetic tape cartridge submissions, write data in unpacked
Physical records — Each physical record (which equals a block
mode on single cartridge files.
of logical records) must be a uniform length, except for the last
record, which may be shorter. The length must be a multiple of
Tape density — The only acceptable recording densities are
the logical record length. Physical records must not be prefixed
1,600 cpi (characters per inch) and 6,250 cpi.
by block descriptor words. The largest acceptable physical
record is 6,400 characters (128 x 50).
IBM’s Improved Data Recording Capability (IDRC) is not
The department will reject any tape containing physical records
larger than 6,400 characters in length.
Internal labels — Nonlabeled tapes are preferred.
6. Report format
If you cannot produce nonlabeled tapes, labeled magnetic tapes
must be in accordance with the following guidelines:
File format for diskette, CD-ROM, and tape media submissions
are detailed below.


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