Expressing Equations Form Page 2


Answer Key
Expressing Equations
Solve each problem.
A n s w e r s
1) Using 50 boxes of nails a carpenter was able to finish 450 bird houses. Write an
equation that can be used to express the relationship between the total number of
t = b9
birdhouses completed(t) and the boxes of nails(b) used.
t = b1.94
2) A chef bought 3 bags of oranges at the supermarket and it cost her $5.82. Write an
equation that can be used to express the relationship between the total cost(t) and the
t = p13.31
number of bags of oranges(b) purchased.
t = b23.36
3) It cost $1,144.66 for 86 pounds of beef jerky. Write an equation that can be used to
express the relationship between the total cost(t) and the pounds of beef jerky(p)
t = b9
t = c1.70
4) A school had to buy 27 new science books and it ended up costing $630.72 total.
Write an equation that can be used to express the relationship between the total
t = b14.97
cost(t) and the number of books(b) purchased.
t = m0.86
5) A company used 99 lemons to make 11 bottles of lemonade. Write an equation that
can be used to express the relationship between the total number of lemons needed
t = c5.55
(t) for each bottle of lemonade (b).
t = n2.18
6) You can buy 4 pieces of chicken for $6.80. Write an equation that can be used to
express the relationship between the total price(t) and the pieces of chicken(c) you
7) The combined weight of 12 concrete blocks is 179.64 kilograms. Write an equation
that can be used to express the relationship between the total weight(t) and the
number of concrete blocks(b) you have.
8) Wendy traveled 73.96 kilometers in 86 minutes. Write an equation that can be used
to express the relationship between the total kilometers traveled(t) and the
minutes(m) it took.
9) A phone store earned $105.45 after they sold 19 phone cases. Write an equation that
can be used to express the relationship between the total money earned (t) and the
number of cases(c) sold.
10) At a carnival it costs $6.54 for 3 tickets. Write an equation that can be used to
express the relationship between the total cost (t) and the number of tickets(n) you
1-10 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0


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