Article III, Section 1 (a) of the by-laws to the SD State Council provides that each subordinate council shall elect delegates to
the State Council to represent them at the annual State Convention. The Grand Knight is automatically a delegate. A Past
Grand Knight must be elected by the council as the second delegate. A council having no Past Grand Knight may elect any one
of its Third Degree members in good standing in lieu thereof. Each subordinate council shall also elect alternates for its
delegates, so that in the event the elected delegate finds it impossible to attend the State Convention, his alternate will take his
place. These alternates may be any Third Degree member in good standing. In many cases the alternate is the actual person
attending the convention, so please indicate on the form by listing the names of the delegate or alternate who is most likely to
attend the convention and will act as the voting delegate. Please type or print clearly the information about the delegates.
NOTE - ONLY TWO NAMES SHOULD BE LISTED AS ACTUAL VOTING DELEGATES. If you will not be sending any delegates,
please note and send the form in anyway.
The next page is used for reporting your delegates to the state convention as well as ordering convention meals packets.
Please note the savings by paying for your meals prior to April 1st. Also please note that meals must be purchased by April
15th. The convention site requires a meal count ten days prior to the convention so the deadline is necessary. There may be a
limited number of meal tickets available at the convention but it would not be wise to go and expect to be able to purchase any
meal tickets at that time. The ticket prices are correct at this time. You will be notified at a later date if the prices have
If your council is not sending any delegates, please check the box on the delegate form on page 30 and send the form to the
address at the bottom of the page.