Garnishment Summons Non Wage Form - Lake County, Illinois Page 2

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Service and return ............................................................................................... $____________
Miles __________ .............................................................................................. $____________
TOTAL .............................................................................................................. $____________
Sheriff of ___________________ County
I certify that I served this summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice on the garnishee as follows:
(a) (Individual garnishee-personal):
(The officer or other person making service, shall (a) identify as to sex, race and approximate age of the garnishee with
whom he left the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice, and (b) state the place where (whenever possible in
terms of an exact street address) and the date and time of the day when the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice
was left with the garnishee.)
(b) (Individual garnishee-abode):
By leaving a copy and a copy of the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice at the usual place of abode of each
individual garnishee with a person of his family, of the age of 13 years or upwards, informing that person of the contents of
the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice. (The officer or other person making service shall (a) identify as to
sex, race and approximate age of the person, other than the garnishee, with whom he left the summons, interrogatories and
garnishment notice, and (b) state the place where (whenever possible in terms of an exact street address) and the date and
time of day when the summons was left with such person.)
and also by sending a copy of the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice in a sealed envelope with
postage fully prepaid, addressed to each individual garnishee at his usual place of abode as follows:
Name of garnishee
Mailing Address
Date of Mailing
(c) (Corporation garnishees):
By leaving a copy and a copy of the summons, interrogatories and garnishment notice with the registered agent, officer or
agent of each garnishee corporation, as follows:
Garnishee corporation
Registered agent, officer or agent
Date of service
(d) (Other service):
______________________________, Sheriff of ____________________ County
By _________________________________, Deputy
I hereby certify that, within 2 business days of service upon the garnishee of the garnishment summons,
interrogatories and garnishment notice, I served upon the judgment debtor in this cause a copy of the garnishment summons
and garnishment notice by first class mail to the judgment debtor’s address as indicated in the garnishment notice


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