North Carolina Division of Social Services
Copy given to child’s caregiver ___________________________ on _______________
Completed by: ____________________________________ Today’s Date: __________
Child’s Name ________________________________________ 2. Grade _____
School Placement Prior to Foster Care:__________________________________
Current School:
Is it in the best interest of the child to remain in the same school in which he/she
was enrolled prior to placement? YES _____ NO _____ If not, why not? _____
If it is NOT in the best interest of the child to remain in the same school,
proceed to question 5.
a) Is there an appropriate placement in the proximity of the child’s original
school? Yes ___ No ___ Not applicable ___
b) Has the agency negotiated with the appropriate school agencies to ensure that
the child can remain in the same school? Yes ___ No ___
c) Will transportation assistance be needed to transport the child from his/her
placement to the original school? Yes ___ No ___
If it is not in the best interest of the child to remain in the same school, has the
DSS and the local educational authority arranged for immediate and appropriate
enrollment in a new school and for immediate transfer of all educational records
to the new school? Yes ___ No ____ If not, describe actions to be taken:_______
What are the child’s strengths? ______________________________________
Is the child in a special class (e.g. BEH, LD, EMH, etc.) Yes ____ No _____
If so, indicate which type ____________________________________________
Does the child have an IEP? Yes ____ No ____ Needed _______
Is the child functioning below grade level in any subject(s)? Yes ____ No ____ If
so, what subject(s)? _________________________________________________
Is the child receiving special resource assistance (e.g. tutoring, speech or language
therapy, etc.) Yes ___ No ___ If so, what type of assistance? ________________
Additional school-related information: Use back of page as needed.
DSS 5245 (rev.3/10) Child Welfare Services