Employee Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________
C. Product Selection (continued)
Life Insurance Beneficiary Full Name and Address
(if applying for Life Insurance with UnitedHealthcare)
D. Prior Medical Insurance Information
Within the last 12 months, have you, your spouse, or your dependents had any other medical coverage?
YES (if yes, please complete this section.)
Prior medical carrier name ____________________________________________________ Effective date ___/___/___ End date ___/___/___
Prior coverage type:
E. Other Medical Coverage Information
This section must be completed. (Attach sheet if necessary.)
On the day this coverage begins, will you, your spouse or any of your dependents be covered under any other medical health plan or policy,
including another UnitedHealthcare plan or Medicare?
YES (continue completing this section)
NO (skip the rest of this section)
Name of other carrier ______________________________________________________
Other Group Medical Coverage Information
Effective Date End Date
Name and date of birth of policyholder
(only list those covered by other plan)
for other coverage
Spouse Name:
Dependent Name:
Dependent Name:
Dependent Name:
*B. Enter ‘B’ when this dependent is covered under both you and your spouse’s insurance plan (married)
S. Enter ‘S’ if you are the parent awarded custody of this dependent and no other individual is required to pay for this dependent’s medical expenses.
F. Enter ‘F’ if this dependent is covered by another individual (not a member of your household) required to pay for this dependent’s medical expenses.
Medicare – Employee Information:
If enrolled in Medicare, please attach a copy of your Medicare ID card.
Enrolled in Part A: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part A*
Not Enrolled in Part A (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part B: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part B*
Not Enrolled in Part B (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part D: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part D*
Not Enrolled in Part D (chose not to enroll)**
Reason for Medicare eligibility:
Over 65
Kidney Disease
Disabled but actively at work
Are you receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?
Start Date ___ /___ /___
Medicare – Spouse/Dependent Name: ____________________________________________
Enrolled in Part A: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part A*
Not Enrolled in Part A (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part B: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part B*
Not Enrolled in Part B (chose not to enroll)**
Enrolled in Part D: Effective Date _____________
Ineligible for Part D*
Not Enrolled in Part D (chose not to enroll)**
Reason for Medicare eligibility:
Over 65
Kidney Disease
Disabled but actively at work
*Only check “Ineligible” if you have received documentation from your Social Security benefits that indicate that you are not eligible for Medicare.
** If you are eligible for Medicare on a primary basis (Medicare pays before benefits under the group policy), you should enroll in and maintain
coverage under Medicare Part A, Part B, and/or Part D as applicable.
Declining coverage due to existence of other coverage:
F. Waiver of Coverage
I understand that by waiving coverage at this time, I
Spouse’s Employer’s Plan
Individual Plan
will not be allowed to participate unless I qualify at a
I decline all coverage for:
Covered by Medicare
special enrollment period or as a late enrollee, if
COBRA from Prior Employer
VA Eligibility
applicable, or at the next open enrollment period.
Dependent Children
I (we) have no other coverage at this time
Myself and all dependents
Other ____________________________________
Employee Signature if waiving coverage
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