North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services
Hearings and Appeals Section
2418 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, North Carolina 27699-2418
Tel 919-855-3260
Fax 919-715-1910
(To be completed by County DSS – Print legibly)
County: ___________________________ DSS Location: ___________________________________
(Address of county office = location of hearing)
DSS Worker Name: ________________________ DSS Supervisor Name: _______________________
Phone # ______________________ Ext._______ Phone # ________________________ Ext._______
E-mail __________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Date of Appeal Request:
Appellant: _____________________________________
SSN: ___________________________
Address: ______________________________________
Phone # ________________________
City, St. Zip____________________________________
DOB: __________________
M /
(Check sex)
Date of Application: ____________________________
Case # _________________________
Yes or
If Yes: Name of representative: _________________________
(Attorney, Hospital worker, Relative, Friend, etc.)
Address: _________________________
Phone #:
If you need an interpreter or any communication assistance free of charge in order to participate in the
State hearing process, please indicate to make reasonable accommodations:
What language: _________________________________________________
Other accommodation, Explain: _______________________________________________
Attach a copy of the following to this Request for State Appeal:
(Check items attached.)
Copy of County’s notification letter to grant, deny, terminate, or modify assistance which prompted
the appeal
(i.e. DMA 5024, 5059, 5102, 5119, etc., DSS 8108, 8109, 8110, 8551, 8553, 8556, 8558, 8586, 8587,
8588, 8632, 8639, 8642, etc.).
Copy of local appeal hearing summary & decision, if applicable.
Copy of D34037 Medicaid Disability Determination Transmittal received from DDS, if appealing the
medical decision made by DDS. If Rationale Section of D34037 does not indicate an adoption, must
include copies of all medical records returned from DDS.
Copy of DMA-5135 and all related medical records, if applicable.
(Case involves a medical decision for
an Emergency Medical Assistance Alien appeal.)
Copy of relevant documents related to appeal
(application/recertification/trial budgets/MRA/5097s/5013/
etc. & citation of the specific regulations that was the basis for the County’s action)
DSS-1473 (Rev. 08/15) DHHS Hearings & Appeals