Form Dnp-1 - Articles Of Incorporation Page 3

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Please check one:
The corporation has members.
The corporation has no members.
The corporation is nonprofit in nature and shall not authorize or issue shares of stock. No dividends shall be paid and no part
of the income or profit of the corporation shall be distributed to its members, directors, or officers, except for services actually
rendered to the corporation, and except upon liquidation of its property in case of corporate dissolution.
We certify under the penalties of Section 415B-158, Hawaii Revised Statutes, that we have read the above statements and that
the same are true and correct.
Signed this ____________day of ___________________________________, __________
(Type/Print Name of Incorporator)
(Type/Print Name of Incorporator)
(Signature of Incorporator)
(Signature of Incorporator)
SEE INSTRUCTIONS PAGE. The articles must be signed by at least one individual (incorporator).


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