1. PRO-FORMA STATUS: This status is for one academic year at a time. Summe r need not be
included as a registration. Applications for extensions of pro-for ma registration m ust include
evidence of satisfactory use of the ti me away from the University and evidence that further time
is necessary for the com pletion of the work. To be eligible for pro-forma status you m ust be
engaged in necessary study or research that cannot be co mpleted in Chicago and you must be
residing at least 100 miles from Chicago. You may not be employed for more than 12 hours per
week. You may not make use of the resources of the University, including faculty time, other
than for routine progress reports. Eight quarters is the maximum pro-forma enrollment allowed.
Pro-forma tuition charge for the 2013-2014 academic year is $300 per quarter.
2. LEAVE OF ABSENCE: A Leave of Absence will be granted if circu mstances beyond
your control make continuation of work toward your degree impossible. A Leave of
Absence must be renewed annually.
3. WITHDRAWAL: A st udent who withdraws from a Ph.D. program must reapply for
admission if he or she wishes to resume studies at any time in the future. If you do
resume studies you may be liable for tuition for the period you where away.
If you have loans, any change of status could affect your repayment or borrowing status. For
your protection, you should arrange an interview with the Graduate Financial Aid Office when
you change your residence status. Please call 702-6062 to make an appointment.
Furthermore, if you have borrowed money at any time during your stay at the University of
Chicago, you are required by Federal law to have an "exit interview" with a loan officer. Please
call the Loan Center at 702-6061 to schedule an interview. Failure to have an exit interview will
result in the restriction of your records.