life & annuity department
p.o. box 25160
oklahoma City, oK 73125
S t a t e m e n t o f C l a i m a n t
telephone #1-800-662-1113
local 523-5025, ext. 7130
to be Completed for life and/or annuity benefitS
in furnishing this form, the Company reserves all of its rights under the policy and waives none of the conditions of the policy.
part i
inSured’S identifiCation
account no. _____________________________________ Social Security no __________________________
insured’s name in full _______________________________________ also known as: ___________________
address____________________________________________ City ___________________ State ___________
date of birth_______________________________________date of death _____________________________
occupation ___________________________________________________date last Worked ______________
employer ________________________ ________ address __________________________________________
part ii
dependent identifiCation
If claim is on a dependent:
name of deceased ______________________________ relationship to insured __________________________
address: _________________________________________City____________________State_______________
date of birth:______________ Social Security no. _______________________date of death_______________
occupation _______________________________________ date last Worked: ___________________________
part iii
Claimant’S identifiCation
your name _________________________________________ relationship to deceased __________________
Social Security # ___________________telephone # ___________________date of birth ________________
address ___________________________________ City ________________________State ________________
do you claim this insurance as q beneficiary q executor q Guardian q other capacity
If Executor or Administrator, attach letters testamentary or letters of administration.
part iV
mediCal information
date deceased first consulted a physician for his last illness ____________________________________________
names and addresses of all physicians who treated the deceased and of all hospitals or institutions where the
insured was treated during the last five years: (attach additional pages if needed)
name of physician or Hospital
dates treated
part V
aCCidentS (Complete only if loss is the result of accidental injury)
Where did the accident happen? ___________________________________ date of accident ______________
How did the accident happen? _________________________________________________________________
Was the injury received in the course of employment?
q yeS q no
part Vi
i certify the above statements are true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Warning: any person who knowingly and with intent to injure, defraud, or deceive any insurer files a statement of claim
or an application containing false, incomplete, or misleading information is guilty of a felony of the third degree.
Signed __________________________________________________________________ date: ______________________
please complete and sign the authorization on the reverse of this form.