Instructions For Form Ftb 3801-Cr - Passive Activity Credit Limitations - 1999


1999 Instructions for Form FTB 3801-CR
Passive Activity Credit Limitations
These instructions are based on the Internal Revenue Code (IRC) as of January 1, 1998 and the California Revenue and Taxation Code (R&TC).
General Information
used to offset nonpassive income, except for
E Passive Activity Credit
$25,000 in losses from rental real estate
activities. See IRC Section 469(i). However, the
In general, California tax law conforms to the
material participation rules apply as if the
Internal Revenue Code (IRC) as of January 1,
Passive activity credits are suspended and
S corporation was a closely held corporation.
1998. However, there are continuing differences
carried forward indefinitely. Unlike losses,
The material participation rules for closely held
between California and federal tax law. California
suspended credits are not allowed when you
corporations are explained in the instructions
has not conformed to most of the changes
dispose of the activity. However, you may elect
for federal Form 8810, Corporate Passive
made to the IRC by the federal Internal Revenue
to increase your basis (by the amount of the
Activity Loss and Credit Limitations. See IRC
Service Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998
original basis reduction) to the extent the credit
Section 469(h)(4) and the related regulations
(Public Law 105-206) and has not conformed to
has not been used.
for more information.
any of the changes made by the Tax and Trade
The credit becomes allowable under the passive
Relief Extension Act of 1998 (Public Law
To compute your California passive activity
loss rules when there is sufficient passive
credit limitations for S corporations, use the
income to allow its use or it is within the scope of
worksheets in the instructions for federal
Expense treatment for small business (IRC
the rental real estate rule. Once the credit
Form 8582-CR using California amounts. Enter
Section 179(b)(1)): California law conforms to
becomes allowable under the passive loss rule, it
the amount from line 21 of Form 100S,
federal law regarding the IRC Section 179(b)(1)
is subject to the other limitations applicable to
California S Corporation Franchise or Income
deduction. For 1999, the maximum deduction is
the use of credits, such as the limitation that
Tax Return, on line 10 and line 22 of form
credits may not reduce regular tax below
FTB 3801-CR in place of the federal modified
tentative minimum tax.
The following may affect the computation of
adjusted gross income.
your passive activity credit limitations:
In addition, the treatment of passive activity
C Who Must File
credits is determined in all respects by the
Passive loss rules (IRC Section 469(c)(7)):
general rules applicable to those credits,
Beginning in 1994, and for federal purposes
Form FTB 3801-CR is filed by individuals,
including carryover periods.
only, rental real estate activities conducted by
estates, trusts, and S corporations with any of
persons in a real property business are not
F Overview of Form
the following credits from passive activities:
automatically treated as passive activities.
California did not conform to this provision.
The form consists of six parts.
Orphan drug credit carryover
Amortization of certain intangibles (IRC
Part I — 1999 Passive Activity Credits
Low-income housing credit
Section 197): Property classified as IRC
Use Part I to combine your credits from passive
Research credit
Section 197 property under federal law is also
activities to determine if you have passive
Targeted jobs credit*
IRC Section 197 property for California purposes;
activity credits for 1999.
*For credit generated prior to January 1, 1996.
there is no separate California election required
If your credits from all passive activities exceed
Note: Make sure to enter the code number for
or allowed. However, for California purposes, in
the tax attributable to net passive income, you
your credit on your return when you are able to
the case of IRC Section 197 property acquired
will have a passive activity credit for 1999.
claim the credit.
before January 1, 1994, the California adjusted
Generally, you have net passive income if form
basis as of January 1, 1994, must be amortized
D Passive Activities
FTB 3801, line 3 shows income. See the
over the remaining federal amortization period.
instructions for form FTB 3801-CR, line 6 for
Therefore, you may have a difference in net
See the instructions for federal Form 8582-CR
income (loss) from passive activities which
for information about passive activities and
Part II — Special Allowance for Rental Real
passive activity credits.
involve amortization of certain intangibles
Estate Activities with Active Participation
A Purpose
Use Part II to figure the credit allowed if you
Unallowed passive activity credits, unlike
have any credits from rental real estate activities
Use form FTB 3801-CR to determine whether
unallowed passive activity losses, are not
in which you actively participated (other than
you have a passive activity credit for the current
allowable when you dispose of your interest in
low-income housing credit). See the instruc-
taxable or income year and, if so, how much of
an activity in a taxable transaction. However,
tions for federal Form 8582-CR, “Rental
the credit is allowed for the current year. The
you may elect to increase the basis of the credit
amount of the credit that is unallowed is carried
property by the amount of the original basis
Part III — Special Allowance for Low-Income
reduction of the property to the extent that the
Housing Credits for Property Placed in Service
credit has not been allowed under the passive
B Special Note
Before 1990 (or from Pass-Through Interests
activity rules. No basis adjustment may be
Acquired Before 1990)
Generally, California law is the same as federal
elected on a partial disposition of an interest in
law concerning passive activity credit limita-
a passive activity.
Use Part III to figure the credit allowed if you
tions. See the instructions for federal
have any low-income housing credits for
Caution: In computing the special allowance for
Form 8582-CR, Passive Activity Credit Limita-
property placed in service before 1990. Also,
rental real estate activities with active participa-
tions, for definitions.
use this part if your low-income housing credit
tion, the dollar limitation for the low-income
is from a partnership, S corporation, or other
Personal service corporations and closely held
housing credit is greater than the amount
pass-through entity in which you acquired your
corporations subject to the passive activity rules
allowed under federal law. The California
interest before 1990, regardless of the date the
must use form FTB 3802, Corporate Passive
limitation is $75,000 ($37,500 if married filing
property was placed in service.
Activity Loss and Credit Limitations, instead of
separate and you lived apart the entire year).
form FTB 3801, Passive Activity Loss Limita-
For California purposes, you may not claim
Part IV — Special Allowance for Low-Income
tions, and form FTB 3801-CR.
passive activity low-income housing credit when
Housing Credit for Property Placed in Service
adjusted gross income reaches $350,000
After 1989
S Corporations
($175,000 if married filing separate and you
Use Part IV to figure the credit allowed if you
The passive activity loss (PAL) rules apply as if
lived apart for the entire year).
have any low-income housing credits for
the S corporation was an individual. This means
property placed in service after 1989. If you
that losses from passive activities may
not be
held an indirect interest in the property through
FTB 3801-CR Instructions 1999 Page 1


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