Form CT-1040 EXT Instructions
Form CT-1040 EXT only extends the time to fi le your Connecticut
If your application is approved, the due date will be extended for
six months (October 15, 2015, for calendar year taxpayers). If you
income tax return. Form CT-1040 EXT does not extend the time
to pay your income tax. You must pay the amount of tax that you
are still unable to fi le your return by the extended due date and
you have applied for and were granted an extension of time to fi le
expect to owe on or before the original due date of the return. See
Interest and Penalty.
for federal purposes using federal Form 2350, you must fi le your
Connecticut return using the federal extension due date. You must
You may qualify for a six-month extension of time to pay your tax.
attach a copy of the federal Form 2350 approval notice to the front
To request this extension, you must fi le Form CT-1127, Application
of your Connecticut return.
for Extension of Time for Payment of Income Tax, with your timely
fi led Connecticut income tax return or extension.
When to File Form CT-1040 EXT
File Form CT-1040 EXT on or before April 15, 2015. If your taxable
Purpose: Use Form CT-1040 EXT to request a six-month
year is other than the calendar year, fi le Form CT-1040 EXT on or
extension to fi le your Connecticut income tax return for individuals.
before the fi fteenth day of the fourth month following the close of
This form also extends the time to fi le your individual use tax. It is
your taxable year. If the due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or
not necessary to include a reason for the Connecticut extension
legal holiday, the next business day is the due date.
request if you have already fi led an extension request on federal
Form 4868 with the Internal Revenue Service. If you did not fi le
Payment Options
federal Form 4868, you can apply for a six-month extension to fi le
Pay Electronically: This option is only available if you fi le Form
your Connecticut income tax return provided you have good cause
CT-1040 EXT electronically and make a payment electronically
for your request.
on the DRS website through the TSC. You can fi le your return any
time before the due date and designate the amount of payment
Exception: If you expect to owe no additional Connecticut
and date of transfer. Your bank account will be debited on the
income tax for the
taxable year, after taking into account any
date you indicate. You must pay the balance due on or before
Connecticut income tax withheld from your wages or any estimated
the due date (April 15, 2015), to avoid penalty and interest.
Connecticut income tax payments you have made, or both, and
you have requested an extension of time to fi le your
Pay by Credit Card or Debit Card: You may elect to pay your
income tax return, you are not required to fi le Form CT-1040 EXT.
Connecticut income tax liability using your credit
The Department of Revenue Services (DRS) will automatically grant
card (American Express®, Discover®, MasterCard®, VISA®) or
you a six-month extension of time to fi le your
comparable debit card. A convenience fee will be charged by the
income tax return. If you did not request an extension of time to fi le
service provider. You will be informed of the amount of the fee and
DRAFT 7-15-14
your federal income tax return, but you are requesting an extension
you may elect to cancel the transaction. At the end of the transaction,
of time to fi le your Connecticut income tax return, you must fi le
you will be given a confi rmation number for your records.
Form CT-1040 EXT whether or not you owe additional Connecticut
Visit: and select State Payments; or
income tax.
Call Offi cial Payments Corporation toll-free at 1-800-2PAY-TAX
Electronically File Form CT-1040 EXT
(1-800-272-9829) and follow the instructions. You will be asked
All taxpayers can fi le Form CT-1040 EXT over
to enter the Connecticut Jurisdiction Code: 1777.
the Internet using the Taxpayer Service
Do not send in Form CT-1040 EXT if you make your payment by
Center (TSC). DRS encourages Connecticut
credit card. All credit card payments for extension requests will
income tax fi lers to electronically fi le through
be accepted by the credit card service provider. However, if your
the TSC. The TSC is an interactive tool that
payment is late, DRS will notify you in writing that your request is denied.
offers a free, fast, easy, and secure way to conduct business. The
Pay by Mail: Make your check payable to Commissioner of Revenue
TSC allows taxpayers to securely fi le, pay, and manage their state
Services. To ensure proper posting of your payment, write
tax responsibilities electronically at
CT-1040 EXT” and your Social Security Number(s) (optional) on the
How to Get an Extension to File
front of your check. Be sure to sign your check and paper clip it to
To obtain a Connecticut extension of time to fi le if the exception
the front of your return. Do not send cash. DRS may submit your
above does not apply, you must:
check to your bank electronically.
• Complete Form CT-1040 EXT in its entirety;
Interest and Penalty
• File it on or before the due date of your return; and
In general, interest and penalty apply to any portion of the tax not paid
• Pay the amount shown on Line 7.
on or before the original due date of the return. Interest is computed
on the underpayment of tax at 1% per month or fraction of a month
Any payment made with this form is considered an income tax
computed from the original due date to the date of payment.
payment regardless of the amounts you enter on Line 1 and Line 2.
Your signature is not required on this form. DRS will notify you only
Late Payment Penalty: The penalty for underpayment of tax is 10%
if your request is denied.
of the tax that is not paid on or before the original due date of the return.
U.S. Citizens or Residents Living Outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico
Late Filing Penalty: If no tax is due, DRS may impose a $50 penalty
You must fi le this form if you are:
for the late fi ling of any return or report that is required by law to be fi led.
• A U.S. citizen or resident living outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico
Line Instructions
and your tax home (within the meaning of Internal Revenue Code
Line 1: Enter the amount that you expect to enter on:
(IRC) §162(a)(2)) is outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico; or
Form CT-1040, Line 14, or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Line 16.
• In the armed forces of the U.S. serving outside the U.S. and
Line 2: Enter the amount that you expect to enter on:
Puerto Rico on the date your federal income tax return is due
Form CT-1040, Line 15, or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Line 17.
and are unable to fi le a timely Connecticut income tax return.
Line 4: Enter the amount that you expect to enter on:
Explain on the front of this form that you are a U.S. citizen or resident
Form CT-1040, Line 18, or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Line 20.
living outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico, or are in the armed forces
of the U.S. serving outside the U.S. and Puerto Rico, and that you
Line 5: Enter the amount that you expect to enter on:
qualify for an automatic, two-month federal income tax extension.
Form CT-1040, Line 19, or Form CT-1040NR/PY, Line 21.
Form CT-1040 EXT Back (Rev. 12/14)