Diamond Nine Template Page 4


Scenario 4
Your friend has seen a funny meme posted online about someone in your year group.
They have liked it and keep telling you to share it, saying it is only a laugh and not to be
so sensitive. What do you do?
A. You refuse to share the meme as it isn’t a nice thing to do
B. You share the meme, but hope no one finds out
C. You let the person who is in the meme know what is going on online
Scenario 5
You have been chatting to someone over the comments section of a YouTube video for
some time. They ask you for your number to chat and your friend encourages you to do it;
saying things like ‘don’t be a bore’ and ‘just send it.’
A. You give your number, not because of what your friends said, because you think
the person is really nice
B. You don’t give your number and you explain to your friends that they shouldn’t put
pressure on you like that
C. You give a fake number, but also tell a parent or a teacher so they know what is
going on
Answer key
Scenario 1: A (2), B (1), C (0), Scenario 2: A (2), B (0), C (1), Scenario 3: A (1), B (2), C (0),
Scenario 4: A (2), B (1), C (0), Scenario 5: A (0), B (2), C (1)
0–4: You’ve got some work to do. It is difficult to know what the right thing is to do
online. Try to chat to your friends about the pressures you feel while online and chat about
what you expect from each other. Try not to give in to peer pressure and chat to a trusted
adult if you are feeling stressed.
4–6: You’re on the way! You are on the right path and you have a good group of friends.
You know what is right, but sometimes you allow yourself to be influenced by others.
Speak to a trusted adult if you are feeling stressed.
6–10: You’re a good online friend! Well done, you are a really strong individual and you
try to do the right thing online and offline. You try not to allow peer pressure affect you
and you are well able to speak your mind. You have a strong friendship group who are
supportive and don’t put unnecessary pressure on each other.


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