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(1) Initial/Baseline Fartlek:
- Warmup (Daily 16 warmup routine)
- Warmup run at easy pace for 5-10 minutes
- Run fast, steady pace for 3/4-1 3/4 miles
- Walk/Jog at moderate pace for 5 minutes (recovery)
- Run easily - sprinting 15-20 meters occasionally
- Run full speed uphill for 175-200 meters
- Cool-down by running easily for 1/2-1 mile
- Cool-down (Daily 16 cool-down routine)
(2) Cardiovascular/Muscular Endurance Fartlek: Recommended course length is 3.0-3.5 miles. Location and
spacing of exercise stations is normally based on terrain. After a unit orientation run, the Fartlek course should be
run as an individual effort.
Station #1: Mountain Climbers
20 reps
Station #2: Bends and Thrust
20 reps
Station #3: Ab Crunches (feet unsecured) 20 reps
Station #4: Sprint
175-200 meters
Station #5: Situp w/Twist
20 reps
Station #6: Pullups or Pushups
10-20 reps
Station #7: Dorsal Raises
20 reps
Station #8: Star Jumps
20 reps
Station #9: Squat Thrusts
20 reps
6. Remedial Physical Fitness Program Schedules
a. Upper Body Strength (Weekly) Circuit. A 3 day per week routine is recommended to improve overall upper
body strength deficiencies. Conduct tests every 2 weeks and increase weights and reps as necessary.
Monday: Weight Training
2 sets to fatigue
Lat Pulldown*
2 sets of 15 reps
Seated Row*
2 sets of 15 reps
Biceps Curl (EZ-Curl Bar)*
2 sets of 15 reps
Alternating Bicep Curls (Dumbbell)
2 sets of 15 reps
* Strive for momentary muscular fatigue at the end of each set. Allow 45-60 seconds rest between sets and 2-3
minutes rest between exercises.
Tuesday: Cross Training - Cardiovascular/Abdominal Training
Wednesday: Pullup/Pushup/Crunch Pyramid **
Set #1:
1 Pullups/2 Pushups
Set #2:
2 Pullups/4 Pushups
Set #3:
3 Pullups/6 Pushups/25 Crunches
Set #4:
4 Pullups/8 Pushups
Set #5:
5 Pullups/10 Pushups/25 Crunches
Set #6:
4 Pullups/8 Pushups
Set #7:
3 Pullups/6 Pushups/25 Crunches
Set #8:
2 Pullups/4 Pushups
Set #9:
1 Pullups/2 Pushups
** Decrease/Increase reps in pyramid based on the individuals ability and progression of strength, the minimal rest
between sets, and spotter assistance necessary to complete required reps.


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