Progress Note Draft Template Page 3


Vital Signs:
R=__________ BP=_______/_______ Height=__________Weight=_______________
General Appearance___________________________________________________________________________________________
Objective Findings: ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Plan for Home Health Services:
This patient requires Skilled Nursing Services:
pecify services needed
This patient needs to be evaluated and treated for one or more of the following services
(Check all that apply.)
 Physical Therapy (specify services needed) ______________________________________________________________________
 Occupational Therapy: (specify services needed) __________________________________________________________________
 Speech Language Pathology: (specify services needed)
To receive home health services, the patient must be homebound and meet Medicare’s criteria for “Confined
to the Home.”
 Check here and continue if choosing to document homebound status as part of this Progress Note.
[In the e-clinical template, the “Homebound Status” section will not appear if not checked.]
Homebound Status:
Medicare considers the patient homebound if the ONE of criteria A and BOTH of criteria B are met:
Criteria A: Select and describe at least one.
Because of illness or injury, the patient needs the aid of supportive devices such as crutches, canes, wheelchairs, and
walkers; the use of special transportation; or the assistance of another person in order to leave their place of residence.
Specify: ____________________________________________________________________________________________


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