Meeting Agenda Template And Worksheet Page 2


5. Describe how this policy issue will impact homeless people and programs in your community.
Discuss the number and types of individuals, families, youth, or veterans who would benefit
from the policy, as well as how they would benefit.
The Alliance can help you decide what to say if you are not sure.
6. Reiterate your ask(s). Be specific!
We ask that (SENATOR/REPRESENTATIVE X)… (i.e., send a letter, sign a congressional sign-on
letter, co-sponsor legislation, vote a certain way, etc.).
7. Response from Member/staff.
Think about what questions you expect the Member to ask, based on past contact with him/her.
If the meeting is with a staff person (not the Member), the staff person will have to ask his/her
boss before giving you an answer. Ask when you can follow up with him/her.
If the Member of Congress is there, you should ask, “Who on your staff can I follow up with?”
If, in response to your specific ask, you get a …
o Yes: Say: “Wonderful!”
o Maybe: Ask: “Is there any additional information I can provide to help you decide?”
o No: Ask: “Is there a reason why you will not do this? Is there any information I can provide
that might address some of your concerns?” (This is an excellent opportunity to keep the lines
of communication open.)
8. Closing.
Summarize any commitments made by the Member/staff.
Repeat any questions you need to answer in follow up that you couldn’t answer in the meeting.
Thank them, and ask when and with whom you should follow up.
Invite them to see a local program next time they are at home.
Leave the office a Pop-Up House to serve as a tangible reminder of your meeting and key ask.
General Talking Points (Please see Capitol Hill Day: Congressional Talking Points sheet in Hill
Day Packets for talking points specific to our Policy Priorities!)
Use local data to describe the scope of homelessness in your community.
STATEMENT OF THE VALUE: Why does the policy issue matter?
We use this critical funding to do (X). Describe the success of local initiatives/programs.
Explain how you are using CoC and ESG funds to implement best practices to quickly and
effectively respond to people’s housing crises.
With increased resources, our community would be able to do (X). (AND/OR) With fewer
resources, we will not be able to do (X).
Restate the policy request and use the talking points available in your Capitol Hill Day
packet to describe how it impacts your community.


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