Sample Resume Template - Payroll Coordinator


Katie Doe
1234 Sample Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44011
COMPANY Atlanta, Georgia
2013 - 2014
Payroll Coordinator
Processed semi-monthly, multi-state payroll for 250+ employees and freelancers using ADP.
Constructed leave pay schedules, processed payroll garnishments, and worked closely with the Human
Resources team to pay out bonuses, severances, service awards and special payments.
Audited and submitted HSA, FSA, and 401k contributions semi-monthly.
Monitored delinquent timesheets and sent weekly communications to department heads. Also,
trained all new employees and freelancers on timesheet completion.
Compiled and reconciled billing for client monthly for media and production.
2011 - 2013
Human Resources Coordinator
Compiled and distributed month ending reports including time off accruals, international employee
reporting for 500+ employees, labor distribution, and organizational charts through our HRIS system.
Acted as primary back up for the payroll analyst position.
Processed employee data changes through Paycom and reviewed all changes and adjustments before
payroll was transmitted. Acted as main contact for employment and wage verifications.
Recorded and tracked all employee vacation, sick and leave days including follow up communication
with employees and managers.
Completed all payroll registers for Canadian employees from ADP reports and distributed checks bi-
Owned the departments purchase requisition and budget through SAP. Coded, audited and submitted
all department invoices.
Collected and examined new hire paperwork for interns and employees. Completed offer letters and
Personnel Action Notices. Upon employee hire performed the I-9 verification, E-Verify submission,
background checks, IT requests, and access badges.
Revised a variety of HR forms including the PAN, direct deposit, health club reimbursement and
employee application.
Solely responsible for planning employee events and weekly social gatherings.
ORGANIZATION, LLC. Greer, South Carolina
2008 – 2011
Human Resources 2009 – 2011
Processed full-cycle multi-state payroll from start to finish for 85+ employees through payroll system.
Tracked employee time off and ran monthly reports for executives. Filed and maintained all employee
files and completed payroll registers bi-weekly for the CFO.
Coordinated Open Enrollment for 85 employees in 4 locations including a complete transfer of the
medical benefit provider.
Involved in the brokering process each year in preparation for Open
Administered benefits for all eligible employees including entry into benefit vendor sites and auditing
all vendor invoices on a monthly basis. Submitted all 401k contributions bi-weekly into vendor site and
completed year end reconciling reports. Solely handled employee inquiries, changes and claim issues
with all benefit vendors. Acted as first contact for workers compensation claims and completed and
filed claim reports with vendor.
Completed on-boarding for all new employees including paperwork processing and explanation of
Participated in a workforce reduction for 5 employees. Explained separation agreements and severance
packages and fielded questions.


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