Please complete and return this form to the Host Firm — not to NALP. Keep a copy for your records.
Section 1: Your Information
Insert your name, law school, class year, street address, city, state, zip code, phone number, and most
frequently used email address.
Section 2A: Host Firm
The Host Firm is the private sector employer who made all of your travel arrangements, such as
transportation, hotel accommodations, and meals. Be sure to inform the Host Firm recruiting coordinator/
manager of all of the private sector employers that you will be interviewing with when interviewing with
multiple private sector employers during one trip to a city. Insert the Host Firm’s name and city, your callback
interview date, and the recruiting coordinator/manager’s contact name and email address.
Section 2B-F: Expense Sharing
Leave this section blank if you are only visiting one private sector employer during an interviewing trip. If
interviewing with multiple private sector employers during one trip to a city, information for the other private
sector employers that you visited (other than the Host Firm) should be inserted here. Insert the name and city
of each private sector employers, your callback interview date, and the recruiting coordinator/manager’s
contact name and phone number.
Section 3: Expenses
Be sure to review each private sector employer’s travel reimbursement policy before completing this section.
Call your recruiting contact if you have questions regarding a particular expense. Send only original receipts,
even if the Host Firm was direct billed for the expense. If certain expenses apply to only one city, only bill those
employers in that city.
In the “Paid By Me” column, insert the dollar amount of all of your out-of-pocket expenses as they
relate to each category.
In the “Direct Billed” column, check the boxes for expenses for which the private sector employer paid.
In the “Employers to Charge” column, insert the letter(s) that correspond to the private sector
employers in Section 2B for each applicable charge. For example, if you visited Firms A and B during
one trip, and a change flight fee was incurred because you added an interview with Firm B at the last
minute, then in the Travel, Hotel, Ground Transportation, and Meals categories, you would list A&B
in the “Employers to Charge” column; however, in the Other Authorized Expenses category, you
would insert the amount of the change flight fee in the “Paid By Me” column and insert Firm B in the
“Employers to Charge” column. Leave the “Employers to Charge” column blank if you are only visiting
one law firm during an interviewing trip.
Section 4: Certification
If you only visited one law firm during this interviewing trip, then check the “No other private sector
employers were visited on this trip” box. If you visited multiple private sector employers during this
interviewing trip, then check the other box. Sign and date the form. Insert the Host Firm recruiting
coordinator/manager’s contact name on the last line.