Thank Your Employees
Thanking employees after the completion of your campaign is as vital as asking them to
give. Thanking them shows you truly appreciate their support and that they are recog-
nized for their dedication. Saying thank you is key to getting donors to continue giving
year after year.
Use reproductions of the thank you letter in company publications (see our website)
Put an honor roll of campaign volunteers in company newsletter.
Run thank you advertisements in the company newsletter or even in the local
Put a thank you letter from CEO in company newsletter.
Announce campaign results in company newsletter, on bulletin boards or over public
address system.
Write a campaign follow-up story for the company newsletter.
Hold employee luncheon after your campaign to thank employees for their dedication
“Individual commitment to a group effort—
that is what makes a team work, a company
work, a society work, a civilization work.”
-Vince Lombardi