Elementary Art Lesson Plan - Color Mixing Cupcakes Page 2


Step One:
Using the black Sharpie, have students draw the cupcake base.
Alternatively, you can provide a template for the base. It can serve as a great first step to get the painting
started. Use an extra sheet of paper to cut out templates of the cupcake base. Have students trace the
template on their paper with a black Sharpie.
Step Two:
Using the black Sharpie, have students draw a cherry in the top portion of their paper. Then, have them
draw the outline of the cupcake’s frosting, meeting the cherry while they draw.
Step Three:
Using the tempera cakes, students can start adding color. Encourage students to explore mixing the
primary colors to create secondary colors. Remind students that when wet areas are painted right next to
each other, the colors may blend. Students may want to pause periodically while painting to let areas dry
before adding color in the neighboring areas.
Step Four:
Encourage students to fill the page with saturated colors to complete their composition. Once complete,
move paintings to the drying rack to dry. Finish with your routine for clean-up!


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