Pascal'S Triangle - Math Worksheet With Answers Page 2


Pascal’s Triangle
The triangular array of numbers at the
right is known as Pascal’s Triangle,
named for the French mathematician
Blaise Pascal. Notice that the number 1
is the first and last number in each row.
Look for other patterns in Pascal’s
Triangle. Then answer the questions.
Find the 1 in the second row down on the left side of the triangle, and read the
numbers in a diagonal line going down and to the right. Then find the 1 in the second
row down on the right side, and read the numbers in a diagonal line going down and
to the left. What is the pattern?
Find the third 1 from the top on the left side of the triangle, and read the numbers in a
diagonal line going down and to the right. Then find the third 1 down on the right side,
and read the numbers in a diagonal going down and to the left. What is the pattern?
Choose any pair of side-by-side numbers in the triangle. Then look at the number just
below the pair. What do you notice?
There are seven rows in the Pascal’s Triangle shown above including the top row with
one 1. Use the patterns from exercises 1, 2, and 3 to write the numbers that would be
in the eighth, ninth, and tenth rows of the triangle.
Eighth row:
Ninth row:
Tenth row:


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