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Form 6627 (Rev. 1-2013)
Part III. ODC Tax on Imported Products,
Column (e). If you are using the value method to figure the
tax, enter the entry value of the total number of imported
IRS No. 19
An imported taxable product is any product entered into the
Column (f). Figure the tax due by multiplying the number
United States for consumption, use, or warehousing if any
of products in column (b) by the ODC weight in column (c) by
ODC was used as material in the manufacture or production
the tax per pound in column (d). If you are using the value
of the product. The product must also be listed in the
method, multiply the 1% (.01) rate in column (d) by the entry
imported products table issued by the IRS. See Regulations
value in column (e).
section 52.4682-3(f)(6). The tax is based on the weight of
ODCs used in the manufacture of the product. If the weight
Part IV. Tax on Floor Stocks of ODCs, IRS
cannot be determined under the exact method or table
No. 20
method (see below), the tax is 1% of the entry value of the
The floor stocks tax for 2013 is imposed on the
product (value method).
following ODCs.
Importer election. Generally, an imported taxable product
Tax Per
is taxed when it is sold or used by the importer. However, an
Pound in 2013
importer may elect to treat the entry of products into the
United States as the use of such products. This election
CFC-11 .
. $0.45
applies to all products held by the importer when the
CFC-12 .
election becomes effective. It also applies to all products the
CFC-113 .
importer enters into the United States after the election
CFC-114 .
becomes effective. If an election applies to an imported
CFC-115 .
taxable product, tax is imposed on the product on the date
of entry. To make the election, check the box in Part III,
under Election. This election may be revoked only with the
consent of the IRS.
Figure the ODC weight of the product as follows:
Carbon tetrachloride .
Methyl chloroform
Exact method. If you determine the weight of each ODC
CFC-13, CFC-111, CFC-112, and CFC-211 through
used as a material in the manufacture of the product and you
CFC-217 .
can support this determination, the ODC weight is the weight
you determine.
The tax per pound rates above are figured using
the ozone-depletion factor. Do not multiply the tax
Table method. If you do not use the exact method and
per pound by the ozone-depletion factor.
the ODC weight is listed in the imported products table, use
the ODC weight listed to figure the tax. See Pub. 510 for
more information.
For 2013, you are liable for the floor stocks tax if, on
January 1, you hold any of the following:
Figure the tax for Part III:
1. At least 400 pounds of ODCs, other than halons or
Column (a). Enter the imported product and the
methyl chloroform, subject to the floor stocks tax,
applicable ODC. Use additional lines if there is more than
one ODC.
2. At least 50 pounds of halons, or
Column (b). Enter the number of taxable products
3. At least 1,000 pounds of methyl chloroform.
Report the tax on Form 6627 and Form 720 for the
Column (c). Enter the ODC weight of the product in
second calendar quarter of 2013. Payment of the tax is due
pounds. If you are using the value method, do not complete
by June 30, 2013.
this column.
Column (c). Enter the tax per pound using the chart above.
Column (d). Enter the tax per pound from the chart in the
instructions for Part II, earlier. If you are using the value
method, enter 1% (.01).


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