Freedom of Information Act Request Form
Hodgkins Police Department
6015 Lenzi Avenue
Hodgkins, Il 60525
(708) 352-4623 Fax: (708) 579-6712
Requestor's Name:
RECORDS SOUGHT: Mark records requested below. Please be specific. ( Report number, dates, names of parties involved)
Printed Records: ________________________________________________________________
Requestor’s Signature ______________________________________________________________
Return completed FOIA form to the FOIA Officer at, Hodgkins Police Department 6015 Lenzi Avenue Hodgkins, IL 60525.
Attn: FOIA or fax your request to (708) 579-6712. The FOIA Officer will respond to a request for public records within 5 working
days after receipt. (Once a denial of request is enacted a 21 day extension begins)
Those parts of your request which have been approved:
Are Enclosed
Will be made available upon payment of copying costs in the amount of $___________
May be inspected at:
The following portions of your request have been denied for the reasons cited:
FOI Exemption 140/7(1)(a) in that the information is specifically prohibited from disclosure by federal or state law.
Specifically the Juvenile Court Act
FOI Exemption 140/7(1)(b) in that the information is private information that is unique to that individual and therefore may
not be released in order to prohibit any concern of identity theft
FOI Exemption 140/7(1)(c) in that the information contains personal information whereas the disclosure could
constitute an unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.
FOI Exemption 140/7(1)(d)(i) in that the information would interfere with pending law enforcement proceedings
FOI Exemption 140/7(d)(iii) in that the case is still pending in court and could create the substantial likelihood that a person
would be deprived a fair trial.
FOI Exemption 140/7(d)(iv) in that the information would unavoidably disclose the identity of a person who filed a
complaint with or provided information to an investigative or law enforcement agency.
FOI Exemption 140/7(1)(d)(v) in that the information would disclose unique or specialized investigative techniques.
The individuals who have reached the determination that the record (s) you have requested are to be denied are:
NAME: _________________________________________ Title: Administrative Assistant/Deputy FOIA Officer
Request for Review:
Public Access Bureau
500 S. 2nd Street
Springfield, IL 62706