Form Mcdp-Ap - Motor Carrier Direct Pay Application

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Motor Carrier Direct Pay Application
Complete this application if you engage in interstate transportation and want to pay Minnesota sales tax based on the
Minnesota prorate percentage (M.S. 297A.90).
Name of applicant
Minnesota tax ID number
Name of applicant’s business
Daytime phone
Business address
E-mail address
Zip code
Check the reason you qualify for this permit. Enter any additional information requested.
I hold ICC number
. Attach a copy of your permit.
I haul exempt commodities interstate. Enter your DOT file number
I am a private carrier. Enter your prorate number
I am under contract with an interstate carrier.
Carrier’s ICC number
. Attach a copy of the contract.
Name of carrier
Date of contract
Check the reasons you are applying for this permit. Enter any additional information requested.
To pay the prorated tax on purchases of qualifying parts and accessories for interstate mobile transportation equipment.
To pay the prorated tax on payments made for leasing interstate mobile transportation equipment (complete the following).
Company from which
you lease the equipment
lease payment
I declare that the information on this application is correct and complete to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Signature of applicant
Mail or fax to: Minnesota Revenue, Mail Station 6330, St. Paul, MN 55146-6330. Fax: 651-556-3102.
If you have questions, call 651-296-6181.
To apply for a Minnesota tax ID number, call 651-282-5225.
TTY: Call 711 for Minnesota Relay.
Stock No. 2810107 (Rev. 7/03)


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