Page 2 of 2 CT-249 (2013)
General information
Lines 6 and 9 entries table
Section 1
Corporate taxpayers who pay premiums for qualifying long-term
Franchise tax
Enter on line 6 any net
Enter on line 9 the
care insurance policies may claim a credit against the taxes
return filed
recaptured tax credits
amount below
imposed by Article 9, sections 183, 184, 185, 186, 186-a, and
plus the amount from
186-e and Articles 9-A, 32, and 33. The credit is equal to 20% of
the premiums paid during the tax year for the purchase of, or for
Form CT-183, line 4 plus
Forms CT-183 and
continuing coverage under, a long-term care insurance policy that
Form CT-184, line 3 or 4
qualifies for the credit pursuant to Insurance Law section 1117.
Form CT-185
Line 6
Individuals use Form IT-249, Claim for Long‑Term Care Insurance
Form CT-186
Line 5
Credit, to claim the credit.
Form CT-3
Line 78
Line 81 amount
A qualifying long-term care insurance policy is one that is:
Form CT-3-A
Line 77
Line 80 amount
• approved by the New York State Superintendent of Insurance
Form CT-32
Line 5
pursuant to Insurance Law section 1117(g); or
Form CT-32-A
Line 5
• a group contract delivered or issued for delivery outside of
Form CT-33
Line 11
New York State that is a qualified long-term care insurance
Form CT-33-A
Line 15
contract as defined in Internal Revenue Code (IRC)
Line 4 plus line 12
section 7702B. (Note: IRC section 7702B relates to policies for
Form CT-33-NL
Line 5
which a federal itemized deduction is allowed.)
Section 2
This credit is not refundable. However, any portion of the credit
Tax return filed
Enter on line 6 any net
Enter on line 9 the
that cannot be applied to the tax for the current tax year may be
recaptured tax credits
amount below
carried forward indefinitely to the following tax year or years.
plus the amount from
Form CT-186-E
Line 39 plus line 88
The credit may not reduce the tax to less than the following:
Form CT-186-P
Line 4
• the applicable minimum tax fixed by Article 9, section 183,
185, or 186
Line 6 — Enter your tax before credits using the Lines 6 and 9
• the higher of the tax on minimum taxable income base or fixed
entries table above. The long-term care insurance credit can be
dollar minimum under Article 9-A
applied to taxes as computed on the forms listed in the table
• $250 under Article 32 or Article 33
above. However, the credit cannot be applied against both a
franchise tax return listed in Section 1 and a tax return listed in
Under Article 9, the credit must first be deducted from the taxes
Section 2.
imposed by section 183, 185, or 186. Any credit remaining must
then be deducted from the taxes imposed by section 184.
Line 7 — If you are claiming more than one tax credit for this
year, enter the amount of credits claimed before applying this
The credit is not allowed against the metropolitan transportation
credit. Otherwise enter 0. You must apply certain credits before
business tax (MTA surcharge) under Article 9, 9-A, 32, or 33.
the long-term care insurance credit. Refer to the instructions of
Line instructions
your franchise tax return to determine the order of credits that
New York S corporations: Complete only lines 1 through
Article 9-A filers: Refer to Form CT-600-I, Instructions for
5, and transfer the line 5 amount to the applicable line of
Form CT‑600, for the order of credits.
Form CT-34-SH, New York S Corporation Shareholders’
Information Schedule.
If you are included in a combined return, include any amount of
tax credits being claimed by other members of the combined
Line 3 — If you are a corporate partner receiving a long-term
group, including the long-term care insurance credit, that you
care insurance credit from a partnership, include on line 3 your
wish to apply before your long-term care insurance credit.
pro-rata share of the long-term care insurance credit passed
through to you from the partnership.
CT-33 and CT-33-A filers, including unauthorized insurance
corporations: Do not enter on this line any amount of empire
Enter in the Partnership information area the name, identifying
zone (EZ) wage tax credits, zone equivalent area (ZEA) wage
number, and credit amount for each partnership that passed the
tax credits, or EZ capital tax credits you may be claiming. If you
credit through to you.
are included in a combined return, do not include any amount
of these tax credit(s) being claimed by other members of the
combined group.
Line 9 — Enter the amount using the Lines 6 and 9 entries table
Line 11 — Enter the lesser of line 5 or line 10 and transfer this
amount to your franchise tax return.
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See Form CT-1, Supplement to Corporation Tax Instructions.