Publication 571 - Tax-Sheltered Annuity Plans (403(B) Plans) For Employees Of Public Schools And Certain Tax-Exempt Organizations Page 15


You can elect any one of the three alternative
Figuring MAC using the any year limit. You
limits, but with certain restrictions. For example,
can use Worksheet 4 to figure your MAC using
you cannot make more than one election per
the any year limit.
employer and, once an election is made, it is
irrevocable and another alternative limit cannot
be selected in a subsequent year. However, you
Overall Limit
can still choose to apply the general rule in any
Additionally, certain employees of churches
Limits on Annual
If you have not elected to use another alternative
or church-related organizations might be eligible
limit in a prior year, you can use the overall limit.
for other special elections that can be used to
If you elect the overall limit, you must com-
figure MAC. See chapter 7.
bine employer contributions to your 403(b) plan
with all employer contributions to qualified plans
to determine if the limit on annual additions has
This chapter applies only to contribu-
been exceeded. Additionally, in the year that
Year of Separation
tions made in 2001. For years begin-
you use the overall limit, you do not figure the
ning after 2001, the alternative limits on
From Service Limit
annual additions have been repealed. For infor-
mation on figuring your limit on annual additions
Figuring MAC using the overall limit. You
If you have not elected to use an alternative limit
for 2002, see chapter 9.
can use Worksheet 3 to figure your MAC using
in a prior year, you can use the year of separa-
the overall limit.
Certain employees can choose to increase their
tion from service limit for the limitation year that
MAC by electing an alternative limit on annual
ends with or within the year you stopped working
additions. There are three alternative limits.
for the employer who maintained your 403(b)
account. If you elect this limit, you use a different
The year of separation from service limit.
How To Elect an
method to figure your MEA and your limit on
The any year limit.
annual additions.
Alternative Limit
The overall limit.
Changes to the MEA. If you elect the year of
separation from service limit, you figure your
You make the election to use an alternative limit
This chapter will discuss the following topics.
MEA taking into account only your last 10 years
on annual additions by figuring your tax using
of service with the employer who maintained
Who is eligible to use an alternative limit.
that limit. The election is considered made only if
your 403(b) account and only amounts excluda-
use of the alternative limit is needed to support
Each of the alternative limits.
ble during your last 10 years of service with that
the exclusion from income shown on your in-
How to elect an alternative limit.
come tax return.
If you do not have 10 years with your em-
ployer, your years of service is the actual
The general limit on annual additions is dis-
Election is irrevocable. If you elect to use an
amount of years you do have with your em-
cussed in chapter 4.
alternative limit, you cannot change the election.
ployer. Your amount previously excludable is
One election allowed. If you elect one of
Effect of election. Generally, the election to
the total contributions excluded in previous
the alternative limits, you cannot elect to have
use either the any year limit or the year of sepa-
years plus any excess contributions for those
any of the other alternative limits apply for 2001
ration from service limit allows you to exclude
years that were more than your limit on annual
for any 403(b) contract purchased for you by the
from gross income a larger amount of employer
contributions than would have been allowed
Changes to the limit on annual additions.
If in a previous year, you have elected either
under the general rule that limits employer con-
Under the year of separation from service limit,
the any year limit or the overall limit, that limit is
tributions to 25% of your compensation. If you
your limit on annual additions is the lesser of:
the only alternative limit you can use in 2001 to
elect to use the overall limit, you may be able to
figure your limit on annual additions.
exclude a larger amount because you can disre-
35,000, or
gard the MEA that would otherwise apply.
Your MEA.
Example. Janice is employed as a teacher.
Excess contributions. If employer contribu-
In 1999, she used the any year limit. In 2000 and
tions were included in your income for a tax year
2001, if Janice is working for the same em-
Figuring MAC using the year of separation
because they exceeded any of these alternative
ployer, she can use only the general rule or the
from service limit.
limits for that year, the excess reduces the
any year limit on annual additions.
If you have elected the year of separation from
amount of your MEA for later years, even though
service limit, use Worksheet 2 to figure your
the excess has already been included in your
Amending a return to take advantage of an
alternative limit. You can amend an earlier
year’s tax return to elect an alternative limit on
annual additions.
Any Year Limit
Generally, you must file an amended return
Who is Eligible to Use
by the later of the following.
If you have not elected to use another alternative
an Alternative Limit
3 years from the date you filed your origi-
limit in an earlier year, you can use the any year
nal return for the year.
limit on annual additions.
If you were an eligible employee (as described in
2 years from the time you paid your tax for
chapter 1) of one of the following organizations,
Changes in the limit on annual additions.
that year.
Your limit on annual additions under the any
you can use an alternative limit on annual addi-
A return filed early is considered filed on the due
year limit is the least of:
Public schools or public school systems.
If you amend an earlier year’s return to elect
$4,000 plus 25% of your includible com-
an alternative limit and use of that limit increases
pensation for the year in which the limita-
your tax for that year, any additional tax due to
Home health service agencies.
tion year ends, or
the use of the alternative limit is not treated as
Health and welfare agencies.
an underpayment of tax for the penalty for failure
Your MEA for the year in which the limita-
to pay estimated income tax.
Churches or church-related organizations.
tion year ends.
Chapter 6 Alternative Limits on Annual Additions
Page 15


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