Dd Form 2952 - Closeout Report Of Suspected Child Abuse In Dod Operated Or Sponsored Activities Page 3

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8. Total Potential Victims Screened and Needing Forensic
The FAPM shall submit a closeout report through Service or
Interviews (Continued).
Defense Agency Family Advocacy Program (FAP) channels to the
Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (DUSD(P&R)), or designee,
b. Possible Victims Interviewed. Enter the number of possible
by fax to: (703) 602-4983 (DSN 332-4983) or electronically, after
victims after screening interviews who were interviewed.
all investigations have been completed but before all related
disciplinary and administrative actions are completed.
9. Total Probable Victims. Enter the number of possible victims
who underwent a forensic interview by a representative of a law
Section A - Administrative Information.
enforcement agency and are considered probable victims of the
suspected incident.
1. Name of Installation. Enter the name of the installation
submitting the "Initial Report".
a. Sex of Probable Victims. Enter the numbers of probable
victims who are males and who are females.
2. State/Country. Enter the name of the state or country in which
the installation is located.
b. Age Range of Probable Victims. Enter the age of the
youngest child and the age of the oldest child in the out-of-home
3. Point of Contact. Enter the name, official position, DSN and
activities who are considered probable victims.
commercial voice telephone numbers, DSN and commercial fax
telephone numbers, and electronic mail address of the person
10. Sponsors of Probable Victims. Enter the total of the
submitting the "Initial Report".
sponsors in each Service and combined Defense Agency of all
children or youth who have been considered as probable victims.
4. Activity Where Suspected Abuse Occurred. Enter the name of
Enter the total of "Unaffiliated" children who do not have a
the out-of-home care activity, such as child development center,
military sponsor.
family home care, youth program, chapel program, DoD
Dependents Schools System school, DoD Elementary and
Section C - Investigative Summary.
Secondary School, etc., in which the incident allegedly occurred.
11. Investigative Assistance From. Mark the appropriate box if
5. Date of Initial Report to DUSD(P&R). Date of initial report to
the incident received investigative assistance from a Family
the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Personnel and
Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT) or from a
Service Rapid Response Team.
6. Publicity. Mark (X) the box for each applicable level of publicity
12. Recommendations to Improve Investigation of Similar
concerning the allegation(s).
Incidents. Enter any recommendations that would improve the
investigation of a similar incident at any installation. If additional
Section B - Victim Information.
space is needed, continue on a separate sheet.
7. Initial Victim Pool. Enter the number of estimated potential
13. Subject Status. Mark the appropriate box for the current
children or youth who may be victims, including those already
status within the out-of-home care activity on the installation of
identified as probable victims, because the care provider who is
the care provider who is the subject of the investigation and for
the subject of the investigation had significant opportunities for
the current legal status of the allegations against the subject.
access to them in a DoD operated or sponsored out-of-home care
activities at the installation.
Section D - Leadership.
a. Potential Victims Not Contacted. Enter the number of potential
14. Lessons Learned, Including Recommendations for Changes
victims in the initial victim pool who were not contacted.
in Policies and Procedures. Describe the lessons learned by the
out-of-home care activity, the installation, and by the response
b. Potential Victims Who Declined Screening. Enter the number
team and recommendations that may prevent a similar incident
of potential victims who were contacted but whose parents or
from occurring or improve the response by the installation, major
legal guardian declined to have them screened to ascertain
command, and Service or Defense Agency headquarters to a
whether they were possible victims of the suspected incident.
similar incident. If additional space is needed, continue on a
separate sheet.
c. Potential Victims Screened. Enter the number of potential
victims who were screened in interviews to ascertain whether they
15. Corrective Actions Taken. Describe the corrective actions
were possible victims of the suspected incident.
taken by the out-of-home care activity, the installation, major
command, and Service or Defense Agency headquarters that
8. Total Potential Victims Screened and Needing Forensic
may prevent a similar incident from occurring or improve the
Interviews. Enter the number of potential victims from screening
response to a similar incident. If additional space is needed,
interviews who were ascertained to be possible victims of the
continue on a separate sheet.
suspected incident and required a forensic interview from a
representative of a law enforcement agency.
16. Corrective Actions Planned. Describe the corrective actions
planned by the out-of-home care activity, the installation, major
a. Possible Victims Not Interviewed. Enter the number of
command, and Service or Defense Agency headquarters that
possible victims after screening who required a forensic interview
may prevent a similar incident from occurring or improve the
but who were not interviewed.
response to a similar incident. If additional space is needed,
continue on a separate sheet.


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