Children'S Activity Consent Form


Name of child __________________________________________________________________
Name of parent(s) or guardian(s) ___________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________________________________________
Home telephone______________________ Work telephone ____________________________
Other person and/or number to call in emergency ______________________________________
Medical Information
Is your child presently being treated for an injury or sickness or taking any medication?
Yes________ No________
If yes, please explain. ____________________________________________________________
Does your child have a physical handicap or illness that would prevent him or her from
participating in normal rigorous activity? Yes______ No______ If yes, please explain.________
Consent and Certification
I, the undersigned, being the parent or legal guardian of the child named above, do hereby
consent to the participation of my child in the following activity conducted by _______________
_________ Church:______________________________________________________________
I certify that my child is physically fit and adequately prepared to participate in this event.
Medical Treatment Authorization
I understand that I will be notified in the case of a medical emergency. However, in the event
that I cannot be reached, I authorize the calling of a doctor and the providing of necessary
medical services in the event that my child is injured or becomes ill. I authorize one or more of
the following persons to make emergency medical care decisions on behalf of my child, if
required by law or a health care provider: ____________________________________________
or another adult chaperone designated by the pastor. I authorize these persons to act in my place
to consent to all necessary and appropriate x-ray examinations, anesthetic, medical or surgical
diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care.
I understand that ____________ Church will not be responsible for medical expenses incurred solely
on the basis of this authorization. I also understand that the designated adult chaperones reserve
the right to restrict my child from any activity that they do not feel is within the physical
capabilities of my child.
___________________________________________________ _________________________
Signature of Parent or Guardian


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